What biome is best for finding core wood for workbench upgrades?

Core wood is a crucial resource in Valheim, especially for upgrading your workbench and crafting advanced items like the finewood bow or reinforced chests. The best biome to find core wood is the Black Forest, which is the second biome you will encounter after the Meadows. Core wood is obtained by chopping down pine trees, which are tall, thin, and have a distinct dark bark texture. These trees are abundant in the Black Forest, making it the ideal location for gathering this resource.\n\nTo gather core wood, you will need a bronze axe or better. A flint axe, which is crafted in the Meadows biome, will not work on pine trees. To craft a bronze axe, you must first mine copper and tin in the Black Forest, smelt them into bronze at a forge, and then craft the axe. This process requires a workbench, a forge, and a smelter, so ensure you have these structures set up before venturing into the Black Forest.\n\nWhen exploring the Black Forest, be cautious of hostile creatures like Greydwarfs, skeletons, and trolls. These enemies can pose a significant threat, especially to new players. It is recommended to bring a shield, a weapon like a spear or club, and some food to boost your health and stamina. Additionally, consider building a small outpost near the Black Forest with a portal to your main base for quick resource transportation and safety.\n\nOnce you have your bronze axe, head into the Black Forest and look for pine trees. These trees are easy to spot due to their height and dark bark. Chop them down, and they will yield core wood logs. Each pine tree typically drops 4-6 core wood logs, so you will need to chop down several trees to gather enough for upgrades. Core wood is also used for crafting other items like the core wood bow and reinforced chests, so it is worth gathering extra.\n\nA common challenge players face is running out of stamina while chopping trees. To mitigate this, bring stamina-boosting foods like honey, berries, or cooked meat. Additionally, avoid engaging enemies while chopping trees, as this can drain your stamina and health quickly. If you encounter a troll, it is best to retreat and return later, as trolls can destroy trees and make gathering core wood more difficult.\n\nIn summary, the Black Forest is the best biome for finding core wood. Equip a bronze axe, prepare for combat, and gather as much core wood as you need for workbench upgrades and other crafting projects. With careful planning and preparation, you can efficiently gather this valuable resource and progress further in Valheim.