What is the best way to farm frost glands for crafting?

Frost glands are a crucial resource in Valheim, primarily used for crafting frost arrows and frost resistance mead. These items are essential for surviving and thriving in the Mountain biome, where frost damage is a constant threat. Frost glands are dropped by Drakes, flying creatures found exclusively in the Mountains. To efficiently farm frost glands, you need to prepare adequately and understand the game mechanics involved.\n\nFirst, ensure you are well-equipped before venturing into the Mountains. The biome is harsh, with freezing temperatures that can quickly drain your health. Craft a Wolf Fur Cape or a Lox Cape, as these provide frost resistance. Alternatively, you can brew Frost Resistance Mead using honey, thistle, bloodbags, and greydwarf eyes. This mead grants temporary frost resistance, allowing you to explore the Mountains safely. Additionally, bring a strong bow and arrows, as Drakes are best dealt with from a distance.\n\nOnce prepared, head to the Mountain biome. Drakes are commonly found near rocky outcrops and cliffs, often flying in pairs or small groups. They are aggressive and will attack on sight, so stay alert. Use your bow to take them down from a safe distance. Drakes have moderate health, so a fully upgraded Huntsman Bow or Draugr Fang with obsidian or needle arrows works well. Aim for headshots to maximize damage and conserve arrows.\n\nAfter defeating a Drake, it will drop 1-3 frost glands. Collect these and continue hunting. Drakes respawn over time, so you can revisit the same areas to farm more glands. However, be cautious of other Mountain threats, such as Stone Golems and Wolves, which can complicate your farming efforts. Always keep an eye on your surroundings and retreat if overwhelmed.\n\nA practical tip for efficient farming is to set up a small outpost near the Mountains. Build a workbench, a portal, and a fire to provide warmth and a quick escape route. This setup allows you to farm frost glands without traveling long distances back to your main base. Additionally, you can store excess resources and repair your gear on-site.\n\nFor new players, farming frost glands may seem daunting due to the Mountain biome''s dangers. Start by exploring the biome''s edges and gradually move deeper as you gain confidence and better gear. Experienced Vikings can optimize their farming routes by marking Drake spawn locations on the map and using the Wishbone to locate silver veins while farming.\n\nIn summary, farming frost glands requires preparation, patience, and strategy. Equip frost resistance gear, use a strong bow, and set up a Mountain outpost for efficiency. By understanding Drake behavior and the Mountain biome''s challenges, you can gather frost glands effectively and craft essential items for your Valheim adventures.