What is the best early-game shield to block Troll attacks?

The best early-game shield to block Troll attacks in Valheim is the Bronze Buckler. This shield is highly effective due to its high block power and parry bonus, making it ideal for countering the heavy hits from Trolls. To craft the Bronze Buckler, you will need to progress through the early stages of the game, gather specific materials, and unlock the necessary crafting station.\n\nFirst, you must defeat Eikthyr, the first boss, to obtain Hard Antlers. These are required to craft the Antler Pickaxe, which allows you to mine Copper and Tin in the Black Forest biome. Copper and Tin are essential for crafting Bronze, the material needed for the Bronze Buckler. Once you have the Antler Pickaxe, explore the Black Forest to locate Copper deposits (large, greenish rocks) and Tin deposits (small, shiny rocks near water).\n\nAfter gathering Copper and Tin, you need to smelt them into Bronze Bars using a Smelter. To build a Smelter, you will need 20 Stone and 5 Surtling Cores, which can be found in Burial Chambers within the Black Forest. Place the Smelter near your base and fuel it with Coal, obtained by burning Wood in a Charcoal Kiln. Once you have Bronze Bars, you can craft the Bronze Buckler at a Forge, which requires 10 Bronze and 4 Wood.\n\nThe Bronze Buckler has a base block power of 45 and a parry bonus of 2x, making it one of the strongest early-game shields. Block power determines how much damage the shield can absorb, while the parry bonus increases the damage you deal when successfully parrying an attack. Trolls deal significant damage, so timing your blocks and parries is crucial. When a Troll swings its log or fist, raise your shield just before the attack lands to parry, staggering the Troll and leaving it vulnerable to counterattacks.\n\nOne common challenge is managing stamina while blocking or parrying Troll attacks. Trolls hit hard and can drain your stamina quickly if you block multiple attacks in a row. To mitigate this, ensure you have a high stamina pool by eating foods like Cooked Meat, Honey, and Carrot Soup. Additionally, avoid holding your shield up for extended periods; instead, time your blocks precisely to conserve stamina.\n\nAnother tip is to fight Trolls in open areas where you can maneuver easily. Trolls are slow but have wide attack ranges, so fighting in tight spaces can make it difficult to dodge or retreat. Use the environment to your advantage by kiting Trolls around trees or rocks, giving you time to recover stamina or reposition.\n\nFor new players, it’s important to practice blocking and parrying against weaker enemies like Greydwarfs before facing Trolls. This will help you get a feel for the timing and mechanics. Experienced Vikings can experiment with different weapons to pair with the Bronze Buckler, such as the Bronze Atgeir for its sweeping attacks or the Flint Spear for quick jabs.\n\nIn summary, the Bronze Buckler is the best early-game shield for blocking Troll attacks due to its high block power and parry bonus. Crafting it requires gathering Copper and Tin in the Black Forest, smelting Bronze Bars, and building a Forge. Pair it with high-stamina foods and practice precise blocking to effectively counter Trolls. With the right preparation and strategy, you can take down Trolls and secure their valuable loot, such as Troll Hide, for crafting stronger gear.