What is the best way to farm wolf pelts for armor before Moder?

Farming wolf pelts in Valheim is essential for crafting Wolf Armor, which provides excellent frost resistance and defense for the Mountains biome and the Moder boss fight. Wolves are found in the Mountains biome, but they are dangerous and require careful preparation. To farm wolf pelts effectively, you need to understand the game mechanics, prepare the right gear, and use strategic approaches to minimize risk.\n\nFirst, ensure you are well-equipped before venturing into the Mountains. Wolves are fast, aggressive, and deal significant damage, so you need strong armor and weapons. A fully upgraded Iron Armor set or Troll Armor for mobility is recommended. For weapons, a fully upgraded Iron Mace or Iron Sword works well, as wolves are weak to blunt and slash damage. Additionally, bring a shield like the Iron Buckler to parry their attacks, which can stagger them and allow for counterattacks.\n\nNext, prepare for the cold environment of the Mountains. Frost resistance is mandatory, as the biome inflicts constant freezing damage without proper protection. You can craft Frost Resistance Mead using Honey, Thistle, Bloodbag, and Greydwarf Eye at a Fermenter. Alternatively, equip a Wolf Fur Cape, which requires wolf pelts, silver, and a Workbench. If you don’t have wolf pelts yet, Frost Resistance Mead is your best option.\n\nTo locate wolves, explore the Mountains biome during the day, as nighttime spawns more dangerous enemies like Fenrings and Stone Golems. Wolves often roam in packs, so approach cautiously. Use a bow to aggro one wolf at a time, as fighting multiple wolves simultaneously can be deadly. A Huntsman Bow or Draugr Fang with Fire or Poison arrows is effective for ranged attacks. If you prefer melee combat, use terrain to your advantage by luring wolves into narrow spaces or onto rocks where they can’t surround you.\n\nOne effective strategy is to build a small outpost near the Mountains biome. Construct a Workbench, a portal, and a shelter to rest and repair your gear. This allows you to farm wolves efficiently without traveling long distances. Additionally, you can tame wolves by feeding them raw meat, but this requires a secure pen and patience. Tamed wolves can defend you during farming, but this method is time-consuming and not necessary for pelt farming.\n\nIf you’re struggling with wolf packs, consider using Bonemass’s Forsaken Power, which reduces physical damage by 50% for 5 minutes. This ability is invaluable for surviving tough encounters. Alternatively, bring healing mead and stamina mead to sustain yourself during fights. Always keep an eye on your stamina, as running out can leave you vulnerable to wolf attacks.\n\nFinally, prioritize upgrading your gear and crafting the Wolf Armor set. Each piece requires 6 wolf pelts, 4 silver, and a Wolf Trophy. Silver can be mined in the Mountains using a Wishbone, which is obtained by defeating Bonemass. Once you have the Wolf Armor, you’ll be well-prepared for the Moder boss fight and the challenges of the Mountains biome.\n\nIn summary, farming wolf pelts requires preparation, strategy, and caution. Equip strong armor and weapons, use frost resistance, and approach wolves carefully. Build an outpost for efficiency, and consider using Forsaken Powers or tamed wolves for added safety. With these tips, you’ll gather wolf pelts efficiently and craft the powerful Wolf Armor needed for Moder and beyond.