What is the best way to kite The Elder’s ranged attacks?

Kiting The Elder’s ranged attacks in Valheim requires a combination of positioning, movement, and preparation. The Elder is the second boss in the game, found in the Black Forest biome, and its ranged attacks can deal significant damage if not handled properly. To effectively kite these attacks, you need to understand the boss’s mechanics, use the environment to your advantage, and equip the right gear.\n\nFirst, prepare for the fight by crafting a Finewood Bow and stocking up on Fire Arrows. Fire Arrows are particularly effective against The Elder due to its weakness to fire damage. You’ll also want to wear Troll Armor or better for increased mobility, as kiting relies heavily on your ability to move quickly. Bring plenty of Stamina-restoring food like Carrot Soup or Honey to ensure you can sprint and dodge consistently.\n\nWhen engaging The Elder, position yourself near one of the large stone pillars or trees in the arena. These structures can block its ranged attacks, which consist of homing vines that shoot from the ground. By keeping a pillar or tree between you and The Elder, you can force its attacks to hit the obstacle instead of you. This strategy is especially useful for new players who may struggle with timing dodges.\n\nTo kite effectively, maintain a medium distance from The Elder. If you’re too close, it will use its melee attacks, which are harder to avoid. If you’re too far, its ranged attacks will have more time to home in on you. Aim to stay about 20-30 meters away, using the terrain to break line of sight when needed. When The Elder begins to summon its ranged attack, sprint to the side or behind cover to avoid the vines.\n\nAnother key mechanic to understand is The Elder’s attack pattern. It alternates between melee and ranged attacks, with a brief pause between each. Use this pause to reposition or fire arrows. If you’re using a bow, aim for its head or glowing weak points for maximum damage. Fire Arrows will deal additional burn damage over time, making them ideal for this fight.\n\nFor experienced players, consider using the terrain to create a kiting loop. The Elder’s arena is large, so you can lead it in a circular path around the pillars or trees. This keeps you moving while minimizing the risk of being hit. If you’re playing with a group, assign roles such as one player kiting while others focus on dealing damage.\n\nFinally, always have an escape plan. If your health or stamina gets low, retreat to a safe distance to recover. The Elder’s attacks are slow but deadly, so staying calm and methodical is key. With the right preparation and strategy, you can kite The Elder’s ranged attacks and emerge victorious.\n\nPractical tips: Always bring a shield for emergencies, even if you’re focusing on ranged combat. Use the Eikthyr power for increased stamina regeneration, which is crucial for kiting. Clear the area of Greydwarfs and other enemies before the fight to avoid distractions. And remember, practice makes perfect—don’t be discouraged if it takes a few attempts to master the kiting technique.