What shield is best for fighting Moder in the Mountains?

Fighting Moder, the dragon boss of the Mountains biome in Valheim, requires careful preparation, especially when it comes to choosing the right shield. Moder is a formidable foe with powerful ranged and melee attacks, so your shield choice can make or break the fight. The best shield for this battle is the Black Metal Shield, which offers high block power and durability, making it ideal for absorbing Moder''s devastating attacks.\n\nTo craft the Black Metal Shield, you will need to progress through the Plains biome and defeat Fuling enemies to gather Black Metal scraps. You will also need Fine Wood and Chains, which can be obtained from the Swamp biome. The Black Metal Shield has a block power of 90, which is significantly higher than earlier shields like the Iron Buckler or Silver Shield. This high block power is crucial for mitigating Moder''s damage, especially during her frost breath and claw swipe attacks.\n\nWhen fighting Moder, parrying is a key mechanic to master. Parrying allows you to stagger the boss, creating an opening for counterattacks. To parry effectively, you must time your block just as Moder''s attack is about to land. The Black Metal Shield''s high block power ensures that even if you mistime your parry, you will still absorb most of the damage. However, practice your timing in earlier fights to avoid taking unnecessary hits during the Moder battle.\n\nDodging is another essential skill for this fight. Moder''s frost breath attack covers a wide area and deals significant frost damage, which can slow you down and leave you vulnerable. To dodge this attack, roll sideways or backward as soon as you see her rearing up to breathe frost. The Black Metal Shield''s weight is manageable, so you can still move and dodge effectively while carrying it. Pair your shield with Frost Resistance Mead to negate the frost damage and keep your mobility intact.\n\nOne common challenge during the Moder fight is managing stamina. Blocking and dodging consume stamina, so it is crucial to keep an eye on your stamina bar and avoid overextending. Bring plenty of stamina-boosting foods like Serpent Stew or Bread, and consider using the Eikthyr power for reduced stamina usage when running and jumping. This will help you maintain your defensive capabilities throughout the fight.\n\nIn summary, the Black Metal Shield is the best choice for fighting Moder due to its high block power and durability. Craft it using Black Metal scraps, Fine Wood, and Chains, and pair it with Frost Resistance Mead and stamina-boosting foods. Practice parrying and dodging to minimize damage, and manage your stamina carefully to stay in the fight. With the right preparation and strategy, you can defeat Moder and claim her trophy.