How do I mark the location of abandoned kilns for quick charcoal farming?

Marking the location of abandoned kilns in Valheim is a smart strategy for efficient charcoal farming, especially for players who rely on smelting and crafting. Abandoned kilns are pre-built structures found in the Black Forest biome, and they can be used to produce charcoal without the need to craft your own kiln. To mark these locations effectively, you’ll need to understand the game’s map mechanics and how to use markers strategically.\n\nFirst, explore the Black Forest biome thoroughly. Abandoned kilns are scattered throughout this area, often near ruined structures or stone towers. They are recognizable by their stone base and chimney-like structure. Once you locate one, open your map by pressing the M key. Hover over your current location and click to place a marker. You can customize the marker icon and name it something like ''Charcoal Kiln'' for easy reference. This ensures you can return to the location later without getting lost.\n\nTo maximize efficiency, consider marking multiple kilns in different parts of the Black Forest. This allows you to rotate between them, reducing the time spent traveling back and forth. Additionally, bring a pickaxe to dismantle nearby stone structures for extra stone, which can be used to repair or build your own kilns later. If you’re new to the game, prioritize exploring during the day to avoid the dangerous creatures that spawn in the Black Forest at night.\n\nA common challenge is running out of wood to fuel the kilns. To address this, always carry a bronze axe or better to chop down trees quickly. Pine trees in the Black Forest yield a good amount of wood, and you can stockpile it near the kilns for easy access. If you’re playing with friends, assign roles—one person can gather wood while another tends to the kilns. This teamwork makes the process faster and more enjoyable.\n\nFor experienced players, consider building a small outpost near a cluster of abandoned kilns. This can include a workbench, chests for storing wood and charcoal, and a portal for quick travel back to your main base. Portals require fine wood, greydwarf eyes, and surtling cores, so plan accordingly. This setup minimizes downtime and ensures you can farm charcoal efficiently without straying too far from your main operations.\n\nFinally, remember that abandoned kilns are not infinite. They will eventually break after prolonged use, so it’s wise to craft your own kilns as you progress. Kilns require 20 stone and 5 surtling cores, which can be found in burial chambers or by defeating surtlings in the Ashlands biome. By combining the use of abandoned kilns with your own crafted ones, you can maintain a steady supply of charcoal for all your smelting and crafting needs.\n\nIn summary, marking abandoned kilns in the Black Forest is a practical way to streamline charcoal farming. Use the map to mark their locations, gather wood efficiently, and consider building outposts or portals for convenience. Whether you’re a new player or a seasoned Viking, these tips will help you optimize your charcoal production and keep your forges burning bright.