How do you craft and use the Wishbone to find Silver?

The Wishbone is a crucial tool in Valheim for locating hidden treasures, particularly Silver Ore in the Mountain biome. To craft and use the Wishbone, you must first defeat Bonemass, the third boss in the game. Bonemass drops the Wishbone as a reward, which is essential for finding Silver and other buried items like treasure chests. Once you have the Wishbone, equip it in your accessory slot to begin your search.\n\nTo craft the Wishbone, you do not need any materials, as it is a direct drop from Bonemass. However, defeating Bonemass requires preparation. You will need to craft a Frost Resistance Mead to survive the Swamp biome, where Bonemass resides. Additionally, gather Iron weapons and armor, as Bonemass is resistant to most other damage types. Poison resistance is also critical, as Bonemass uses poison attacks. Once you defeat Bonemass, the Wishbone will automatically be added to your inventory.\n\nAfter obtaining the Wishbone, head to the Mountain biome to search for Silver. Silver Ore is buried underground and cannot be seen without the Wishbone. Equip the Wishbone and start walking around the Mountain biome. When you are near Silver, the Wishbone will emit a green pulse and a beeping sound. The closer you get to the Silver, the faster the beeping and the brighter the pulse. Once the beeping is rapid and the pulse is strong, dig into the ground using a pickaxe to uncover the Silver Ore.\n\nOne common challenge is navigating the Mountain biome''s harsh environment. Frost damage is a constant threat, so always carry Frost Resistance Mead or wear Wolf Armor to stay warm. Additionally, Mountain biomes are home to dangerous creatures like Wolves and Drakes, so bring strong weapons and shields. If you are struggling to locate Silver, try exploring higher elevations, as Silver is more commonly found near the peaks of mountains.\n\nAnother tip is to mark the locations where you find Silver on your map. This helps you keep track of explored areas and ensures you do not waste time revisiting the same spots. If the Wishbone stops pulsing in an area, move to a new location and continue your search. Silver veins are often clustered together, so finding one can lead to discovering more nearby.\n\nIn summary, the Wishbone is an invaluable tool for finding Silver in Valheim. Defeat Bonemass to obtain it, equip it in the Mountain biome, and listen for the beeping and pulsing to locate Silver. Prepare for the Mountain biome''s challenges with Frost Resistance Mead and strong gear. With patience and persistence, you will uncover the Silver needed to craft powerful weapons and armor, enhancing your Viking survival experience.