How do you upgrade from a raft to a better ship?

Upgrading from a raft to a better ship in Valheim is a crucial step for exploring the vast oceans and reaching distant biomes. The raft is the first watercraft you can build, but it is slow and not ideal for long voyages. To upgrade, you need to craft a Karve or a Longship, which are faster, more durable, and capable of carrying more cargo. This process involves gathering specific resources, unlocking new crafting recipes, and progressing through the game''s tech tree.\n\nTo begin, you must first defeat Eikthyr, the first boss in the Meadows biome. Eikthyr drops Hard Antlers, which are used to craft an Antler Pickaxe. This tool allows you to mine Tin and Copper in the Black Forest biome, essential for crafting Bronze. Bronze is a key material for building better ships. Once you have a Bronze Axe, you can chop down Birch and Oak trees in the Meadows or Black Forest to collect Fine Wood, another critical resource for shipbuilding.\n\nNext, you need to craft a Workbench and upgrade it to level 3. This requires building a Chopping Block and a Tanning Rack nearby. The Workbench is where you will craft the Karve or Longship. To unlock the Karve recipe, you need to collect 30 Fine Wood, 10 Deer Hide, 20 Resin, and 80 Bronze Nails. Bronze Nails are crafted at a Forge using Bronze, which is made by combining Copper and Tin at a Smelter. Deer Hide is obtained by hunting Deer in the Meadows, and Resin is dropped by Greydwarfs in the Black Forest.\n\nOnce you have the required materials, approach the Workbench and select the Karve recipe. The Karve is a significant upgrade over the raft, offering better speed, storage space, and durability. It is ideal for coastal exploration and short voyages. However, if you plan to venture further into the ocean or transport large amounts of resources, you should aim for the Longship. The Longship requires 40 Fine Wood, 10 Deer Hide, 40 Iron Nails, and 40 Bronze Nails. Iron Nails are crafted at a Forge using Iron, which is found in the Swamp biome.\n\nTo obtain Iron, you must first locate Sunken Crypts in the Swamp. These crypts contain Muddy Scrap Piles, which can be mined with a Bronze Pickaxe or better. Smelt the Scrap Iron in a Smelter to produce Iron, then craft Iron Nails at a Forge. Once you have all the materials, return to your Workbench and craft the Longship. The Longship is the ultimate ship in Valheim, offering the best speed, storage capacity, and durability. It is perfect for long voyages and transporting large amounts of resources.\n\nA common challenge players face is finding enough Fine Wood early in the game. Birch and Oak trees are rare in the Meadows, so you may need to venture into the Black Forest to find them. Another challenge is gathering enough Bronze and Iron, as these resources require significant time and effort to mine and smelt. To overcome this, consider building a base near a Black Forest or Swamp biome to reduce travel time. Additionally, always bring a portal with you when exploring to quickly return home and resupply.\n\nIn summary, upgrading from a raft to a better ship in Valheim involves defeating Eikthyr, gathering Fine Wood, Bronze, and Iron, and crafting a Karve or Longship at a Workbench. The Karve is a great mid-game option, while the Longship is ideal for end-game exploration and resource transport. By following these steps and overcoming common challenges, you can sail the seas of Valheim with confidence and efficiency.