How can players use the Iron Mace effectively against Bonemass?

The Iron Mace is one of the most effective weapons for defeating Bonemass, the third boss in Valheim, due to its high blunt damage. Bonemass is highly resistant to slash and pierce damage, making blunt weapons like the Iron Mace essential for this fight. To craft the Iron Mace, players need to gather 20 Iron, 4 Wood, and 3 Leather Scraps at a Forge. Iron can be found in the Swamp biome by mining Muddy Scrap Piles in Sunken Crypts, which require a Swamp Key obtained from defeating The Elder.\n\nBefore engaging Bonemass, players should prepare thoroughly. Equip the best armor available, such as Iron Armor, and bring healing items like Cooked Meat, Sausages, and Health Mead. Stamina management is critical, so consume foods like Carrot Soup or Turnip Stew to boost stamina regeneration. Additionally, Poison Resistance Mead is a must, as Bonemass deals heavy poison damage. Craft this mead using 10 Honey, 5 Thistle, 1 Neck Tail, and 10 Coal at a Fermenter.\n\nDuring the fight, Bonemass has three main attacks: a melee swipe, a poison cloud, and a summoning ability that spawns Blobs and Skeletons. The Iron Mace excels in close combat, so players should focus on dodging Bonemass''s melee attacks and striking during openings. Use the secondary attack (right-click) for a powerful overhead slam, which deals significant damage. However, avoid overcommitting to attacks, as Bonemass can quickly retaliate.\n\nTo maximize effectiveness, players should work as a team in co-op. One player can act as the tank, drawing Bonemass''s attention while others deal damage with their Iron Maces. Clear summoned enemies quickly to avoid being overwhelmed. If playing solo, use the terrain to your advantage by kiting Bonemass around trees or rocks to create distance and avoid its attacks.\n\nA common challenge is managing stamina during the fight. To address this, avoid sprinting unnecessarily and focus on timed dodges. Use the roll mechanic (spacebar + directional key) to evade attacks while conserving stamina. If poisoned, retreat briefly to heal and reapply Poison Resistance Mead if needed.\n\nAfter defeating Bonemass, players will receive the Wishbone, which is essential for locating Silver in the Mountains biome. The Iron Mace remains a valuable weapon for future challenges, so keep it upgraded and consider pairing it with a shield for added defense.\n\nIn summary, the Iron Mace is a powerful tool against Bonemass due to its blunt damage. Preparation, teamwork, and stamina management are key to success. Use Poison Resistance Mead, dodge attacks, and focus on dealing consistent damage while avoiding unnecessary risks. With these strategies, players can overcome Bonemass and progress further in Valheim.