What’s the fastest way to farm neck tails in the Meadows?

Farming neck tails in Valheim is essential for crafting early-game food items like Grilled Neck Tail, which provides a decent health and stamina boost. Necks are small lizard-like creatures found in the Meadows biome, and they drop neck tails when killed. To farm neck tails efficiently, you need to understand their spawning mechanics, optimize your farming route, and use the right tools and strategies.\n\nNecks spawn near water sources such as rivers, lakes, and coastal areas in the Meadows biome. They are passive creatures unless provoked, making them easy to hunt. However, their spawn rate is limited, so you’ll need to explore multiple water sources to maximize your yield. A good strategy is to mark water locations on your map as you explore, creating a farming route that you can revisit regularly.\n\nTo farm neck tails quickly, equip a basic weapon like a Flint Spear or a Wooden Club. These weapons are easy to craft and deal enough damage to kill necks in one or two hits. Avoid using bows, as necks are small and fast, making them harder to hit. Instead, get close to the necks and attack them swiftly. If you’re playing with friends, coordinate your attacks to clear out groups of necks faster.\n\nOne common challenge is the limited spawn rate of necks in a single area. To overcome this, explore multiple Meadows biomes or create a portal network to quickly travel between water sources. Portals require Fine Wood, Greydwarf Eyes, and Surtling Cores, which are relatively easy to obtain early in the game. By setting up portals near water-rich areas, you can efficiently farm neck tails without spending too much time traveling.\n\nAnother tip is to avoid over-hunting in one area. Necks respawn after a few in-game days, so rotating between different locations ensures a steady supply of neck tails. If you’re struggling to find necks, consider building a small base near a water source. This allows you to monitor the area and hunt necks as they respawn. Additionally, you can use this base to store resources and craft food items on the go.\n\nFor experienced players, farming neck tails can be combined with other resource-gathering activities. For example, while hunting necks, you can also gather Flint, which is commonly found near water sources. This multitasking approach saves time and ensures you’re making the most of your farming trips. Additionally, consider bringing a Cultivator to plant Carrots or other crops near your base, further optimizing your resource management.\n\nIn summary, the fastest way to farm neck tails in the Meadows involves exploring multiple water sources, using melee weapons for quick kills, and setting up portals for efficient travel. By marking water locations on your map, rotating between areas, and combining neck hunting with other resource-gathering tasks, you can maximize your yield and ensure a steady supply of neck tails for crafting and cooking.