How do I use portals to quickly gather resources for building?

Portals in Valheim are one of the most efficient tools for fast travel and resource gathering, especially when building large structures or exploring distant biomes. To use portals effectively, you must first unlock the recipe by defeating Eikthyr, the first boss, and obtaining Hard Antlers. These are used to craft the Antler Pickaxe, which allows you to mine Tin and Copper in the Black Forest biome. Once you have these metals, you can craft a Forge and smelt them into Bronze, which is required to craft the Portal.\n\nTo build a portal, you need 20 Fine Wood, 2 Surtling Cores, and 10 Greydwarf Eyes. Fine Wood is obtained by chopping down Birch or Oak trees in the Meadows or Black Forest biomes. Surtling Cores are found in Burial Chambers in the Black Forest or dropped by Surtlings in the Ashlands biome. Greydwarf Eyes are dropped by Greydwarfs, common enemies in the Black Forest. Once you have the materials, place the portal in a secure location near your base or resource-rich area.\n\nPortals require a pair to function. Each portal must be assigned a unique tag, which is a name you input when placing it. For example, if you name one portal ''Forest'' and another portal ''Forest,'' they will connect, allowing instant travel between them. This mechanic is crucial for resource gathering. For instance, you can place one portal near your base and another in a Black Forest biome rich in Copper and Tin. This setup lets you mine resources, teleport back to your base to deposit them, and return quickly to continue gathering.\n\nOne common challenge is transporting metals like Copper, Tin, Iron, and Silver through portals. These materials cannot be teleported, so you must plan accordingly. For example, if you are mining Iron in the Swamp biome, you can set up a portal nearby for quick access but will need to transport the Iron manually via a Longship or Cart. To streamline this process, consider building a small outpost near the resource site with storage chests and a workbench. This allows you to store non-teleportable items and craft tools on-site.\n\nAnother practical tip is to create a network of portals for different biomes. For example, you can have portals labeled ''Swamp,'' ''Mountain,'' and ''Plains'' to quickly access these areas for specific resources like Iron, Silver, and Black Metal. This strategy saves time and reduces the risk of losing valuable items during long journeys. Additionally, always carry portal materials (Fine Wood, Surtling Cores, and Greydwarf Eyes) when exploring, so you can set up a temporary portal to return home if needed.\n\nFor new players, it is essential to prioritize portal construction early in the game. Portals not only save time but also reduce the danger of traveling through hostile biomes. Experienced Vikings can optimize their portal networks by placing them near resource nodes, boss altars, or strategic locations like coastal areas for ship travel. Remember to protect your portals with walls or fences, as enemies can destroy them if left unguarded.\n\nIn summary, portals are a game-changing mechanic in Valheim that streamline resource gathering and exploration. By understanding how to craft, pair, and strategically place portals, you can significantly enhance your building and survival efficiency. Always plan ahead, especially when dealing with non-teleportable metals, and consider creating a biome-specific portal network for maximum convenience.