Can I use portals to transport items during a Blizzard in the Mountains?

In Valheim, portals are a crucial tool for fast travel and transporting items across the vast world. However, their functionality is limited when it comes to transporting certain items, especially during challenging weather conditions like a Blizzard in the Mountains biome. Portals allow players to teleport themselves and most items, but they cannot transport metals like Iron, Silver, or Black Metal. This restriction applies regardless of the biome or weather conditions, including Blizzards.\n\nWhen exploring the Mountains biome during a Blizzard, players face harsh environmental challenges such as freezing temperatures, reduced visibility, and aggressive enemies like Wolves and Drakes. Portals can still be used to transport non-metal items, such as food, wood, or crafted gear, which can be incredibly helpful for survival. To set up a portal, you need to craft it using 20 Fine Wood, 2 Surtling Cores, and 10 Greydwarf Eyes. Once built, you must pair it with another portal by assigning both the same tag name.\n\nDuring a Blizzard, visibility is significantly reduced, making it harder to locate or build portals. To mitigate this, it’s recommended to mark portal locations on your map using the in-game map markers. This ensures you can find your way back to safety even in low visibility. Additionally, carrying materials to build a temporary shelter near your portal can help you survive the freezing temperatures while you prepare for travel.\n\nIf you’re transporting non-metal items, portals are a reliable way to move resources quickly. For example, if you’ve gathered valuable resources like Obsidian or Dragon Tears in the Mountains, you can use a portal to transport them back to your base without risking a long trek through dangerous terrain. However, if you’re carrying metals, you’ll need to rely on alternative methods, such as using a Cart or Longship to transport them manually.\n\nOne practical solution for transporting metals during a Blizzard is to establish a temporary base or storage area near the Mountains biome. This allows you to store metals safely until the weather clears or you’re ready to transport them manually. You can also use the Frost Resistance Mead to combat the freezing temperatures, giving you more time to gather resources and prepare for the journey.\n\nIn summary, portals are a valuable tool for fast travel and transporting non-metal items during a Blizzard in the Mountains biome. However, their inability to transport metals means you’ll need to plan carefully and use alternative methods for moving those resources. By marking portal locations, building temporary shelters, and preparing with Frost Resistance Mead, you can navigate the challenges of the Mountains biome more effectively.\n\nPractical tips for using portals in the Mountains biome include always carrying portal materials with you, setting up multiple portals for quick access, and using the map to mark key locations. These strategies will help you survive the harsh conditions and make the most of your time in this dangerous but rewarding biome.