What’s the best way to mark the locations of Eitr nodes in the Mistlands?

Marking Eitr nodes in the Mistlands is a crucial strategy for efficient resource gathering and progression in Valheim. Eitr, a rare and valuable resource, is found exclusively in the Mistlands biome and is used for crafting advanced magical items and gear. To effectively mark these nodes, you need to understand the biome''s challenges, the tools required, and the best practices for navigation and resource management.\n\nFirst, prepare for the Mistlands by equipping yourself with the right gear. The biome is filled with dangerous creatures like Seekers and Gjalls, as well as dense mist that limits visibility. Craft a Wisplight or equip a Wisp Torch to clear the mist around you. These items are essential for navigating the biome and spotting Eitr nodes, which emit a faint glow. Without these tools, the Mistlands can be overwhelming and nearly impossible to explore effectively.\n\nOnce you''re ready, begin your search for Eitr nodes. These nodes appear as glowing, pulsating structures embedded in the ground. They are often found near Dvergr structures or in open areas of the biome. When you locate an Eitr node, open your map and place a custom marker. Use a clear and consistent naming system, such as ''Eitr Node 1'' or ''Eitr Node NW,'' to avoid confusion later. This step is critical for organizing your map and ensuring you can return to these locations easily.\n\nTo make your markers even more useful, consider adding additional context. For example, note nearby landmarks, such as Dvergr outposts or large rock formations, in the marker''s description. This will help you navigate back to the node even if the mist obscures your view. Additionally, if you encounter hostile creatures near the node, mark their locations as well to prepare for future visits.\n\nA common challenge in the Mistlands is the biome''s verticality and complex terrain. Eitr nodes can be located on cliffs, in valleys, or hidden behind dense vegetation. To overcome this, use the Hoe tool to level the ground or create paths, making it easier to traverse the area. Building small outposts or portals near marked nodes can also save time and resources, allowing you to quickly return and gather Eitr without retracing your steps.\n\nFinally, remember that Eitr nodes are finite resources. Once mined, they do not respawn, so it''s important to mark their locations as soon as you find them. This ensures you can return to gather Eitr when needed, especially for crafting high-tier items like the Staff of Embers or the Eitr-weave armor. By following these strategies, you can efficiently navigate the Mistlands, secure valuable resources, and progress further in your Valheim journey.\n\nPractical tips: Always carry extra Wisps to refuel your Wisplight, and consider bringing a Cart or Lox for transporting large amounts of Eitr. If you''re playing with friends, coordinate your map markers to avoid duplication and ensure everyone benefits from the shared knowledge.