How do you use map markers to track spawns of Elder’s summoning altar?

Tracking the spawns of the Elder’s summoning altar in Valheim is a crucial step for players preparing to face the second boss. The Elder is summoned by burning three Ancient Seeds at its altar, but finding the altar itself can be challenging without proper map marker strategies. The Elder’s altars are located in Black Forest biomes, which are dense, dangerous areas filled with Greydwarves, Trolls, and other threats. To efficiently track these altars, players should use the in-game map system to mark potential locations as they explore.\n\nTo begin, equip yourself with a Hammer and a Workbench to craft a Cartography Table. This table allows you to share map markers with other players in multiplayer, but even in single-player, it’s a useful tool for organizing your discoveries. As you explore the Black Forest, keep an eye out for large stone structures with glowing red runes. These are the Elder’s summoning altars. When you find one, open your map (default key M) and place a custom marker on its location. Use a clear and descriptive icon, such as the boss skull, to differentiate it from other markers like resource nodes or dungeons.\n\nOne common challenge is distinguishing between regular Black Forest structures and the Elder’s altar. The altar is massive, with a distinct circular design and glowing red symbols. If you’re unsure whether you’ve found the correct structure, look for the interactable stone tablet nearby. This tablet provides a cryptic hint about the Elder’s location, confirming you’re in the right place. Marking these tablets can also help you backtrack if needed.\n\nExploration is key, but it can be time-consuming. To optimize your search, prioritize sailing to new landmasses, as the Elder’s altars are often located far from your starting area. Use a Karve or Longship to travel faster and carry essential supplies like food, weapons, and materials for a Portal. Setting up a Portal near the altar ensures you can return quickly after gathering Ancient Seeds or preparing for the fight.\n\nAncient Seeds, required to summon the Elder, are dropped by Greydwarf Brutes and Shamans or found in Burial Chambers within the Black Forest. Mark these locations on your map as well, creating a network of resource points and potential altar sites. This strategy not only helps you track the altar but also ensures you’re prepared for the summoning process.\n\nFor new players, it’s important to note that the Elder’s altar is not unique—there can be multiple spawns across the map. Marking all discovered altars gives you flexibility in choosing the best location for the fight. Experienced players can use this to their advantage by selecting an altar near a base or in a biome with favorable terrain for combat.\n\nFinally, consider using the Wishbone item, obtained from defeating Bonemass, to locate hidden Burial Chambers that may contain Ancient Seeds. While this is a late-game strategy, it can help streamline your preparation for the Elder. By combining thorough exploration, strategic map marking, and resource management, you can efficiently track and prepare for the Elder’s summoning altar, ensuring a successful boss encounter.\n\nPractical tips: Always carry materials for a Portal when exploring, as it allows quick travel back to your base. Use the boss skull icon for clarity when marking altars, and consider naming markers for additional context. If playing multiplayer, share your map data with teammates to coordinate efforts. Lastly, don’t rush the fight—ensure you have upgraded gear, ample food, and a solid plan before summoning the Elder.