What is the best armor set for mining in dangerous biomes?

Mining metals in dangerous biomes like the Swamp or Mountains in Valheim requires careful preparation, especially when it comes to armor. The best armor set for mining in these areas depends on your progression stage, biome, and the threats you face. For early to mid-game, the Bronze Armor set is a solid choice, while the Iron Armor set becomes essential for late-game mining in high-risk areas like the Swamp or Mountains.\n\nBronze Armor is the first metal armor you can craft and is ideal for mining in the Black Forest biome, where you gather Copper and Tin. To craft Bronze Armor, you need 15 Bronze, 5 Deer Hide, and 2 Leather Scraps per piece. Bronze is made by smelting Copper and Tin in a Forge. This armor provides decent protection against Greydwarfs and Trolls, which are common threats in the Black Forest. However, it is not sufficient for the Swamp or Mountains, where enemies deal significantly more damage.\n\nFor mining in the Swamp biome, where Iron is found, you should upgrade to Iron Armor. Iron Armor requires 20 Iron, 2 Deer Hide, and 2 Leather Scraps per piece. Iron is obtained by mining Muddy Scrap Piles in Sunken Crypts, which are scattered throughout the Swamp. The Swamp is home to dangerous enemies like Draugr, Blobs, and Leeches, so the higher defense of Iron Armor is crucial. Additionally, the Swamp''s wet debuff reduces stamina regeneration, so having strong armor minimizes the need for frequent dodging or running.\n\nIn the Mountains biome, where Silver is mined, you will face even deadlier foes like Wolves, Drakes, and Stone Golems. At this stage, the Wolf Armor set is the best choice. Crafting Wolf Armor requires Silver, Wolf Pelts, and Wolf Trophies. Silver is found by using the Wishbone, obtained from defeating Bonemass in the Swamp, to locate underground deposits. Wolf Armor not only provides excellent defense but also grants Frost Resistance, which is essential for surviving the freezing temperatures in the Mountains.\n\nWhen mining in dangerous biomes, always bring a shield and a weapon for self-defense. A Bronze Buckler or Iron Buckler is great for parrying attacks, while a Mace is effective against Blobs and Skeletons in the Swamp. In the Mountains, a Frostner or Draugr Fang bow can help you deal with Wolves and Drakes from a distance. Additionally, carry healing meads, stamina meads, and poison resistance meads to mitigate damage and debuffs.\n\nTo maximize safety while mining, consider building a small outpost near the mining site. This can include a portal for quick escapes, a workbench for repairs, and a fire for resting. Resting provides the Rested buff, which boosts stamina regeneration, making it easier to mine and fight. Always mine during the day, as enemies are more aggressive at night, and visibility is lower.\n\nFinally, always be aware of your surroundings. In the Swamp, avoid standing in water to prevent Leeches from attacking, and watch for Blobs that can poison you. In the Mountains, stay alert for Wolves that can ambush you, and avoid areas with Stone Golems unless you are well-prepared to fight them. By equipping the right armor, bringing the necessary tools, and staying vigilant, you can safely mine metals in even the most dangerous biomes.