What is the best way to clear large copper deposits efficiently?

Mining large copper deposits in Valheim can be a time-consuming task, but with the right strategy and tools, you can maximize efficiency. Copper deposits are found in the Black Forest biome, and they are large, multi-node resources that require careful planning to extract fully. To begin, you will need a pickaxe, which can be crafted using 10 wood and 1 hard antler (obtained from defeating the first boss, Eikthyr). The Antler Pickaxe is the starting tool, but upgrading to a Bronze Pickaxe later will significantly speed up the process.\n\nBefore mining, clear the area of enemies to avoid interruptions. The Black Forest is home to Greydwarfs, Trolls, and Skeletons, so bring a weapon, shield, and food for stamina and health. Once the area is secure, start by mining the top layer of the copper deposit. Copper nodes are interconnected underground, so breaking one piece will reveal more of the deposit. This means you don’t need to dig around the entire node to access all the copper.\n\nTo efficiently clear a large copper deposit, dig around the edges of the node first. This allows you to see the full extent of the deposit and ensures you don’t miss any hidden pieces. Use the terrain to your advantage by digging downward to create a pit around the deposit. This not only makes mining easier but also prevents the copper from floating in mid-air, which can happen if you mine from the top without proper support.\n\nOne common challenge is dealing with floating copper pieces. If you mine too aggressively from the top, parts of the deposit may break off and remain suspended. To avoid this, always mine from the bottom upward. This ensures that the copper falls to the ground as you break it. If you do encounter floating pieces, use your pickaxe to break the ground beneath them, causing them to collapse.\n\nStamina management is crucial when mining. Bring plenty of food like cooked meat, berries, or honey to keep your stamina high. Additionally, consider building a workbench and a small shelter nearby to repair your pickaxe and rest if needed. This saves time and prevents unnecessary trips back to your base.\n\nFor experienced players, upgrading to a Bronze Pickaxe is a game-changer. To craft it, you’ll need 10 wood and 2 bronze (made by combining 2 copper and 1 tin at a forge). The Bronze Pickaxe mines faster and lasts longer, making it ideal for clearing large deposits. If you’re playing with friends, coordinate your efforts to clear deposits even faster. Assign roles, such as one person mining while another guards against enemies.\n\nFinally, always mark your mining locations on the map. Copper deposits are finite, and knowing where you’ve already mined helps you plan future expeditions. Use the map’s marker system to note cleared deposits and potential new ones. This is especially useful in multiplayer games where multiple players may be mining in the same biome.\n\nIn summary, the best way to clear large copper deposits efficiently involves preparation, strategic mining, and stamina management. Start with the right tools, secure the area, and mine from the bottom up to avoid floating pieces. Upgrade your pickaxe as soon as possible and consider building a temporary base nearby for repairs. With these tips, you’ll be able to gather copper quickly and effectively, ensuring you have the resources needed for crafting and progression in Valheim.