How do you build a sturdy base in the Black Forest biome?

Building a sturdy base in the Black Forest biome in Valheim requires careful planning and resource management. The Black Forest is a dangerous biome filled with Greydwarfs, Trolls, and other threats, so your base must be both defensible and functional. Start by gathering essential materials like wood, stone, and core wood. Core wood, obtained from pine trees, is particularly important for building stronger structures like log beams and poles, which provide better stability and durability compared to regular wood.\n\nBefore laying the foundation, scout the area for a flat or slightly elevated location. Avoid building too close to Troll caves or dense Greydwarf spawns. Use the hoe to level the ground, ensuring a stable base for your structures. A raised earth wall or trench around your base is highly recommended to deter enemy attacks. Digging a trench is simple: equip the pickaxe and carve a deep, wide moat around your perimeter. This prevents enemies from reaching your walls, as they cannot jump or climb over gaps.\n\nFor the walls, use core wood or stone. Core wood structures are stronger than regular wood and can withstand more damage. Stone walls, unlocked after defeating the first boss Eikthyr and crafting a stonecutter, are even more durable but require more resources. Start with a core wood palisade or stakewall for early defense, then upgrade to stone as you progress. Ensure your walls are tall enough to prevent enemies from climbing over them.\n\nYour base should include a central building for crafting, storage, and resting. Use a combination of core wood beams and regular wood for the frame, as beams provide structural integrity. Place a workbench inside to repair tools and craft items. Add a roof to protect against rain, which can degrade wooden structures over time. For lighting, use torches or standing braziers fueled by resin, which can be collected from Greydwarfs or trees.\n\nOne common challenge in the Black Forest is dealing with Trolls, which can destroy wooden structures with ease. To counter this, build multiple layers of defense. For example, create an outer trench, followed by a stone wall, and then a core wood palisade. This layered approach ensures that even if one layer is breached, the others will hold. Additionally, place ballistae or stake traps near vulnerable areas to deal with incoming threats.\n\nFinally, consider building a portal for quick travel to other biomes or your main base. Portals require fine wood and surtling cores, which can be found in burial chambers or by defeating surtlings in the Ashlands. This allows you to transport resources and escape dangerous situations quickly. Always keep your base well-lit and stocked with food, as the Black Forest is a hostile environment.\n\nIn summary, building a sturdy base in the Black Forest involves strategic planning, strong materials, and layered defenses. Use core wood and stone for durability, dig trenches or raise earth walls for protection, and include essential structures like a workbench and portal. By following these steps, you can create a safe and functional base to survive the dangers of the Black Forest biome.