What’s the best way to farm lox meat and pelts in the Plains?

Farming lox meat and pelts in Valheim''s Plains biome is a rewarding but challenging task. Lox are large, aggressive creatures that provide valuable resources, including lox meat and lox pelts, which are essential for crafting high-tier food and armor. To efficiently farm these resources, you need to prepare adequately, understand lox behavior, and use the right strategies.\n\nFirst, ensure you are well-equipped before venturing into the Plains. Lox are tough opponents, so you need strong gear. A fully upgraded iron or black metal weapon, such as a sword or atgeir, is recommended. Additionally, wear armor like wolf or padded armor to withstand their attacks. Bring a shield for blocking, as lox deal significant damage with their charge attacks. Stock up on healing meads and stamina-boosting food like sausages, turnip stew, or bread to sustain yourself during combat.\n\nNext, locate lox herds in the Plains biome. Lox are often found in groups, grazing near tar pits or open fields. Use a bow to aggro one lox at a time, as fighting multiple lox simultaneously can be overwhelming. Kiting is an effective strategy: shoot arrows from a distance and retreat while keeping the lox at bay. If you prefer melee combat, time your blocks and attacks carefully to avoid taking unnecessary damage.\n\nFor a more efficient farming method, consider taming lox. Taming requires patience but allows you to breed lox for a steady supply of meat and pelts. To tame a lox, build a secure pen using stake walls or stone walls in the Plains. Lure a lox into the pen using cloudberries, their favorite food, and close the entrance. Stay nearby but out of sight to avoid aggroing the lox. Over time, the lox will become tame and can be bred by feeding two tamed lox cloudberries.\n\nOne common challenge is dealing with other Plains enemies, such as fulings and deathsquitos, while farming lox. Always clear the area of threats before engaging lox. Use a bow to eliminate deathsquitos from a distance, and avoid fuling camps unless you are confident in your combat skills. Building a small outpost nearby with a portal can help you retreat and resupply quickly if needed.\n\nFinally, maximize your resource yield by using a butcher knife to harvest lox. This tool increases the amount of meat and pelts obtained from each kill. Always carry a spare butcher knife, as it can break after multiple uses. Store your loot in a secure chest or transport it back to your base using a cart or portal.\n\nIn summary, farming lox meat and pelts in the Plains requires preparation, strategy, and patience. Equip yourself with strong gear, use ranged or melee tactics to defeat lox, and consider taming them for long-term resource farming. Clear the area of other threats, use a butcher knife for maximum yield, and establish a nearby outpost for convenience. With these tips, you''ll efficiently gather lox resources and thrive in the Plains biome.