What’s the best way to farm linen thread for crafting padded armor?

Farming linen thread in Valheim is essential for crafting padded armor, one of the best mid-to-late-game armor sets. Linen thread is crafted from flax, a plant that can only be grown in the Plains biome. To efficiently farm linen thread, you’ll need to establish a flax farm, which requires careful planning and preparation.\n\nFirst, you must locate the Plains biome, a dangerous area filled with hostile creatures like Fulings and Deathsquitos. Before venturing into the Plains, ensure you have strong armor, weapons, and food buffs. The Black Forest or Swamp biome armor sets, such as troll or iron armor, are recommended for early Plains exploration. Bring a bow and arrows to deal with Deathsquitos from a distance.\n\nOnce in the Plains, look for Fuling villages. These settlements often have flax plants growing nearby. Flax cannot be planted in other biomes, so you’ll need to establish a farm in the Plains. To do this, clear out any Fulings in the area and secure the location with walls or trenches to prevent respawns. Use a cultivator to till the soil and plant the flax seeds you’ve collected.\n\nFlax grows relatively quickly, but it requires a lot of space. Plan your farm layout carefully to maximize efficiency. Each flax plant yields one flax, which can be processed into linen thread at a spinning wheel. To craft a spinning wheel, you’ll need 20 fine wood, 10 iron nails, and 5 leather scraps. Place the spinning wheel near your farm for convenience.\n\nOne common challenge is protecting your flax farm from Plains creatures. Fulings and Lox can destroy your crops if they wander too close. To mitigate this, build a perimeter wall around your farm and place workbenches or campfires to prevent enemy spawns. Alternatively, you can tame Lox to act as guards, as they will attack hostile creatures.\n\nFor new players, it’s important to note that flax farming is a mid-to-late-game activity. You’ll need to have progressed through the Swamp biome to gather iron for the spinning wheel and other tools. Experienced players can optimize their farming by using portals to quickly transport flax and linen thread between their Plains farm and main base.\n\nTo maximize linen thread production, consider setting up multiple spinning wheels and assigning one player to manage the farm while others gather resources or explore. This division of labor can significantly speed up the process of crafting padded armor.\n\nIn summary, the best way to farm linen thread is to establish a secure flax farm in the Plains biome, protect it from enemies, and process the flax using a spinning wheel. With careful planning and preparation, you can efficiently gather the materials needed for padded armor and other advanced crafting recipes.