How do you craft a stone oven and what recipes can it process?

Crafting a stone oven in Valheim is a significant milestone for players looking to expand their cooking capabilities and improve their food options. The stone oven is a versatile crafting station that allows you to bake bread, cook pies, and process other advanced recipes. To craft a stone oven, you must first unlock its recipe by obtaining iron and exploring the Swamp biome. This guide will walk you through the process step-by-step, including the materials required, how to unlock the recipe, and the recipes the stone oven can process.\n\nTo begin, you need to gather the necessary materials to craft a stone oven. The recipe requires 20 stone, 4 iron, and 5 surtling cores. Stone is a common resource found in most biomes, especially the Black Forest and Meadows. Iron, however, is more challenging to obtain and requires venturing into the Swamp biome. You must mine muddy scrap piles in the Swamp using a pickaxe, then smelt the scrap iron in a smelter to produce usable iron bars. Surtling cores are found in Burial Chambers in the Black Forest or by defeating Surtlings in the Ashlands biome or near fire geysers in the Swamp.\n\nOnce you have the required materials, you can craft the stone oven at a workbench. Place the oven in a suitable location, preferably near your cooking area or kitchen setup. The stone oven requires a chimney to function properly, so ensure it is placed indoors with proper ventilation. If the oven is not vented correctly, it will emit smoke, which can harm your character over time. To avoid this, build a chimney using wood or stone pieces to direct the smoke outside.\n\nWith the stone oven built, you can now process advanced recipes. The primary recipes include bread, lox meat pie, fish wraps, and blood pudding. Bread is a staple food that provides a balanced mix of health and stamina regeneration. To make bread, you need barley flour, which is crafted from barley grown in the Plains biome. Lox meat pie requires lox meat, barley flour, and cloudberries, offering a high-tier food option for late-game players. Fish wraps are made from cooked fish, barley flour, and dandelions, while blood pudding requires blood bags, barley flour, and thistle.\n\nOne common challenge players face is obtaining barley and barley flour. Barley can only be grown in the Plains biome, which is dangerous for unprepared players. To safely farm barley, establish a small outpost in the Plains, preferably near a Fuling village or tar pit. Use a cultivator to plant barley seeds, and ensure the area is secure with walls or defensive structures. Once harvested, process the barley into flour using a windmill, another advanced crafting station unlocked in the Plains biome.\n\nAnother challenge is managing the stone oven''s smoke. If the oven is placed indoors without proper ventilation, the smoke can accumulate and cause damage. To solve this, build a chimney using vertical wood or stone pieces to guide the smoke upward and out of your structure. You can also place the oven near an open wall or window to allow smoke to escape naturally. Proper placement and ventilation are key to using the stone oven effectively.\n\nIn summary, the stone oven is a valuable addition to your Valheim base, enabling you to craft high-tier food items that significantly boost your health and stamina. To craft it, gather stone, iron, and surtling cores, then build it at a workbench. Ensure proper ventilation to avoid smoke buildup. Focus on farming barley in the Plains biome to unlock its full potential, and use the oven to create bread, pies, and other advanced recipes. With these tips, you''ll master the stone oven and enhance your survival in Valheim.