How do you craft a Cultivator and what’s its primary use?

The Cultivator is one of the most essential tools in Valheim for players looking to establish a sustainable food source and cultivate their own crops. It allows you to till soil, plant seeds, and grow various crops, which are critical for crafting food items that provide health, stamina, and buffs. To craft a Cultivator, you must first unlock its recipe by obtaining Bronze, which is a mid-tier metal in the game. This requires progressing through the early stages of the game and defeating the first boss, Eikthyr, to gain access to the Black Forest biome.\n\nTo craft a Cultivator, you will need a Forge, which is a crafting station used for creating metal tools and equipment. The Forge requires 6 Copper, 4 Wood, 4 Stone, and 10 Coal to build. Once you have a Forge, gather the following materials: 5 Core Wood and 5 Bronze. Core Wood is obtained by chopping down Pine Trees in the Black Forest biome, while Bronze is crafted by combining 2 Copper and 1 Tin at the Forge. Copper is mined from Copper Deposits in the Black Forest, and Tin is found along the shores of the same biome.\n\nOnce you have the required materials, open the crafting menu at the Forge and select the Cultivator. Crafting it will consume the 5 Core Wood and 5 Bronze, so ensure you have enough resources before starting. After crafting, equip the Cultivator in your hotbar and use it to interact with the ground. The primary use of the Cultivator is to till soil, which prepares the ground for planting seeds. Simply left-click on grass or dirt to create tilled soil, which appears as dark, fertile patches of land.\n\nTo plant seeds, open your inventory and select the seeds you wish to plant, such as Carrot Seeds, Turnip Seeds, or later, Barley and Flax. Right-click on the tilled soil to plant the seeds. Each crop has specific growth requirements, so ensure you plant them in the correct biome. For example, Carrots and Turnips grow well in the Meadows biome, while Barley and Flax require the Plains biome. Crops take time to grow, so be patient and protect your farm from enemies by building fences or walls.\n\nOne common challenge players face is running out of seeds early in the game. To address this, always replant a portion of your harvested crops to maintain a steady supply. For example, if you harvest 3 Carrots, replant 1 or 2 to ensure you have seeds for future planting. Additionally, explore the Black Forest biome to find Carrot Seeds and Turnip Seeds, which are often dropped by Greydwarfs or found in abandoned structures.\n\nThe Cultivator also allows you to regrow grass and other vegetation, which can be useful for aesthetic purposes or to restore areas damaged by mining or building. Simply equip the Cultivator and right-click on bare ground to plant grass. This feature is particularly helpful for players who want to maintain a natural look around their base or farm.\n\nIn summary, the Cultivator is a vital tool for sustainable farming in Valheim. To craft it, gather Core Wood and Bronze, then use a Forge to create it. Use the Cultivator to till soil, plant seeds, and grow crops, ensuring a steady supply of food and resources. Protect your farm from enemies, replant seeds to maintain your supply, and explore biomes to find additional seeds. With proper planning and care, the Cultivator will help you thrive in the harsh world of Valheim.