How can you use the Stagbreaker to clear groups of enemies in tight spaces?

The Stagbreaker is a powerful two-handed hammer in Valheim that excels at clearing groups of enemies, especially in tight spaces. Its unique area-of-effect (AoE) damage makes it ideal for dealing with swarms of weaker foes or clustered enemies in confined areas like dungeons or narrow pathways. To craft the Stagbreaker, you need 20 Core Wood, 5 Deer Trophies, and 2 Leather Scraps. Core Wood is obtained by chopping down Pine Trees in the Black Forest biome, while Deer Trophies drop from hunting deer in the Meadows biome.\n\nWhen using the Stagbreaker, its primary attack is a slow but devastating slam that deals AoE damage in a wide radius. This attack is perfect for hitting multiple enemies at once, even if they are behind or to the sides of you. However, its slow swing speed means you need to time your attacks carefully. In tight spaces, such as Burial Chambers or Sunken Crypts, the Stagbreaker shines because enemies often cluster together, allowing you to hit multiple targets with a single swing.\n\nTo maximize the Stagbreaker''s effectiveness, position yourself strategically. Stand in doorways or narrow corridors to funnel enemies into a tight group. This ensures that your AoE attack hits as many targets as possible. For example, in Burial Chambers, Skeletons often rush toward you in groups. By standing in a doorway, you can slam the Stagbreaker to damage or kill multiple Skeletons at once, reducing the risk of being overwhelmed.\n\nOne common challenge when using the Stagbreaker is managing stamina. The hammer consumes a significant amount of stamina per swing, so it''s crucial to keep an eye on your stamina bar. Always have a supply of stamina-boosting foods like Cooked Meat, Carrot Soup, or Honey. These foods will help you sustain prolonged combat and ensure you can continue swinging the Stagbreaker when needed.\n\nAnother tip is to pair the Stagbreaker with a shield or a faster weapon for versatility. While the Stagbreaker is excellent for crowd control, it struggles against single, fast-moving enemies like Draugr or Trolls. In these cases, switch to a faster weapon like a sword or axe to deal with individual threats more efficiently. This combination allows you to adapt to different combat scenarios.\n\nIn the Swamp biome, the Stagbreaker is particularly useful against Blobs and Leeches. These enemies often appear in groups and can be dangerous if they surround you. The Stagbreaker''s AoE damage can quickly dispatch them, preventing poison buildup or health loss. However, be cautious when fighting Oozers, as their explosive death can deal significant damage if you''re too close.\n\nFor new players, the Stagbreaker is a great early-game weapon for exploring dungeons and handling groups of enemies. Experienced Vikings can also use it effectively in later biomes, especially when paired with upgraded gear and advanced food items. Remember to repair your Stagbreaker regularly at a Workbench to maintain its durability.\n\nIn summary, the Stagbreaker is a versatile and powerful weapon for clearing groups of enemies in tight spaces. Its AoE damage, combined with strategic positioning and stamina management, makes it a valuable tool for both new and experienced players. Use it in confined areas like dungeons or narrow pathways, and pair it with faster weapons for maximum effectiveness.