What is the best way to mine copper in the Plains biome?

Mining copper in the Plains biome in Valheim is a high-risk, high-reward activity that requires careful preparation and strategy. The Plains biome is one of the most dangerous areas in the game, home to deadly enemies like Fulings, Deathsquitos, and Lox. However, copper deposits can occasionally spawn here, making it a viable location for resource gathering if you are well-equipped and cautious.\n\nBefore venturing into the Plains, ensure you have the best gear available. At a minimum, you should have a full set of Iron Armor or better, as it provides significant protection against the biome''s threats. A strong weapon, such as an Iron Mace or Draugr Fang bow, is essential for dealing with Fulings and Deathsquitos. Additionally, bring a shield with high block power to mitigate damage from enemy attacks.\n\nTo mine copper effectively, you will need a Bronze Pickaxe or better. Copper deposits in the Plains are identical to those found in the Black Forest biome, appearing as large, rocky outcrops with greenish veins. Use your pickaxe to break the deposit, and collect the copper ore that drops. Be aware that mining is loud and will attract nearby enemies, so always stay alert.\n\nOne of the biggest challenges in the Plains is dealing with Deathsquitos. These fast, flying enemies can deal massive damage if they catch you off guard. To counter them, keep your bow equipped and ready to shoot them down as they approach. Fulings, on the other hand, are aggressive melee fighters that often travel in groups. Use terrain to your advantage, such as hiding behind rocks or trees, to avoid being overwhelmed.\n\nTo maximize efficiency, consider setting up a small outpost near the copper deposit. Build a workbench and a portal to your main base for quick access to resources and repairs. This will save you time and reduce the risk of losing progress if you die. Additionally, bring plenty of food, such as cooked meat, berries, and honey, to maintain high health and stamina during mining.\n\nA practical tip for mining in the Plains is to clear the area of enemies before starting. Use your bow to pick off Fulings and Deathsquitos from a distance, and avoid engaging Lox unless absolutely necessary. Once the area is safe, you can focus on mining without constant interruptions. If you are overwhelmed, retreat to a safe distance and regroup before trying again.\n\nFinally, always be prepared for the unexpected. The Plains biome is unpredictable, and even experienced players can find themselves in dangerous situations. Carry healing mead and stamina mead to recover quickly during combat, and keep an eye on your surroundings at all times. With the right preparation and strategy, mining copper in the Plains can be a rewarding experience that provides valuable resources for crafting and progression.