How do I use the wishbone to locate hidden silver deposits?

To locate hidden silver deposits in Valheim using the wishbone, you must first obtain the wishbone itself. The wishbone is a rare drop from defeating Bonemass, the third boss in the game. Bonemass is found in the Swamp biome, and you will need to craft a Poison Resistance Mead to survive its attacks. Once you defeat Bonemass, the wishbone will automatically equip to your character, and you can begin searching for silver.\n\nThe wishbone works by emitting a green ping and a sound when you are near a buried treasure or metal deposit, such as silver. Silver deposits are exclusively found in the Mountain biome, so you will need to venture into this cold and dangerous area. Before heading to the Mountains, ensure you have Frost Resistance Mead or a Wolf Fur Cape to protect yourself from the freezing temperatures. Additionally, bring a pickaxe, as you will need it to mine the silver once you locate it.\n\nTo use the wishbone, equip it in your inventory and start walking around the Mountain biome. As you move, the wishbone will occasionally emit a green ping and a sound. The frequency and intensity of these pings will increase as you get closer to a silver deposit. When you are directly above the deposit, the wishbone will emit a rapid series of pings and a louder sound. At this point, you can start digging with your pickaxe to uncover the silver.\n\nOne common challenge is distinguishing between silver deposits and other buried treasures, such as chests or iron. Silver deposits are typically larger and deeper than other treasures, so if the wishbone pings strongly and you dig for a while without finding anything, it is likely a silver deposit. Additionally, silver deposits are often found near rocky outcrops or cliffs in the Mountains, so focus your search in these areas.\n\nAnother tip is to mark the location of any pings on your map. This way, if you are unable to find the deposit immediately, you can return later with better tools or more resources. It is also helpful to bring a cart or portal materials to transport the silver back to your base, as silver is heavy and can slow you down.\n\nIn summary, using the wishbone to locate hidden silver deposits involves defeating Bonemass, equipping the wishbone, and searching the Mountain biome for pings. Prepare for the cold with Frost Resistance Mead or a Wolf Fur Cape, and bring a pickaxe to mine the silver once you find it. Mark your map and be patient, as silver deposits can be tricky to locate. With these steps, you will be well on your way to crafting powerful silver weapons and armor.