What’s the best way to avoid fall damage when mining Silver in the Mountains?

Mining Silver in the Mountains biome is one of the most rewarding yet dangerous activities in Valheim. Silver veins are buried deep beneath the snow, and uncovering them requires careful planning to avoid fall damage, which can be fatal, especially in the late game. The key to avoiding fall damage lies in understanding game mechanics, using the right tools, and employing strategic mining techniques.\n\nFirst, you need to locate Silver veins using the Wishbone, an item obtained by defeating Bonemass, the third boss. Equip the Wishbone and walk around the Mountains biome until you see a pulsing green effect and hear a beeping sound. This indicates the presence of Silver. Once located, start digging around the vein to expose it. However, Silver veins are often buried deep, and mining them can create large pits that are dangerous to fall into.\n\nTo avoid fall damage, always mine from the top down. Start by clearing the snow and stone around the Silver vein, creating a wide, flat area. This prevents you from accidentally stepping into a deep hole. As you dig deeper, place wooden platforms or floors around the edges of the pit. These platforms act as safety nets, allowing you to catch yourself if you fall. You can craft wooden platforms using 1 Wood each, making them an affordable and practical solution.\n\nAnother effective strategy is to use the Hoe to level the ground around the mining site. By raising or flattening the terrain, you can create a stable working area and reduce the risk of falling. This is especially useful in steep or uneven areas of the Mountains biome. Additionally, always keep an eye on your stamina while mining. Running out of stamina mid-swing can cause you to fall into the pit, so manage your stamina carefully by eating high-stamina foods like Serpent Stew or Bread.\n\nFor experienced players, the Feather Cape is a game-changer. This late-game item, crafted with 10 Feathers, 20 Silver, and 5 Wolf Pelts, grants immunity to fall damage when equipped. It is an excellent investment for frequent Mountain explorers. However, if you don’t have the Feather Cape yet, consider using the Eikthyr power, which reduces stamina usage for running and jumping, making it easier to navigate the mining site safely.\n\nFinally, always bring a Portal with you when mining Silver. Place it near your mining site but far enough from the pit to avoid accidental destruction. This allows you to quickly return to your base to repair tools, rest, or store resources without risking a dangerous trek back. By combining these strategies—using platforms, leveling terrain, managing stamina, and equipping the Feather Cape—you can mine Silver safely and efficiently in the Mountains biome.\n\nIn summary, avoiding fall damage while mining Silver requires preparation and smart gameplay. Use the Wishbone to locate veins, mine from the top down, and create safety platforms. Level the terrain with the Hoe, manage your stamina, and consider crafting the Feather Cape for long-term safety. With these tips, you’ll be able to harvest Silver without fear of falling, ensuring a successful and safe mining expedition.