How can I design a fort to protect against Blob poison attacks?

Designing a fort to protect against Blob poison attacks in Valheim requires a combination of strategic planning, biome awareness, and defensive structures. Blobs are common in the Swamp biome and can deal significant poison damage, making them a serious threat to unprepared players. To counter this, your fort must incorporate poison resistance, elevated defenses, and proper terrain manipulation.\n\nFirst, choose a location outside the Swamp biome but close enough to access its resources. Building your fort in the Meadows or Black Forest biome is ideal, as these areas are safer and allow you to control the flow of enemies. Use the Hoe tool to level the ground and create a raised platform for your fort. This elevation prevents Blobs from easily reaching your walls and gives you a height advantage for ranged attacks.\n\nNext, construct a perimeter wall using stone or core wood. Stone walls are more durable and resistant to enemy attacks, but core wood is a good alternative if stone is scarce. Ensure the walls are at least two layers thick to withstand Blob explosions. Add a moat around your fort by digging a trench with the Pickaxe. This creates a barrier that Blobs cannot cross, forcing them to take a longer path or remain stuck outside your defenses.\n\nIncorporate poison resistance into your fort design by crafting and placing Bonfires or Campfires near the walls. These fire sources deal damage to Blobs and other enemies that get too close. Additionally, equip yourself with Poison Resistance Mead, crafted at the Fermenter using Honey, Thistle, Neck Tail, and Coal. This mead provides temporary immunity to poison damage, giving you an edge in combat.\n\nFor added protection, build a roofed area or watchtower within your fort. This provides cover from ranged attacks and allows you to snipe Blobs with a bow. Use the Workbench to craft a Finewood Bow and Flinthead Arrows for effective ranged combat. If Blobs breach your defenses, retreat to the roofed area and continue firing arrows until they are defeated.\n\nFinally, consider using traps and defensive structures like spike walls or stake walls. These can be placed around the perimeter of your fort to deal passive damage to approaching enemies. Combine these with strategically placed Workbenches to prevent enemy spawns near your base. Regularly repair your defenses after attacks to maintain their effectiveness.\n\nBy following these steps, you can create a fort that effectively counters Blob poison attacks. Focus on elevation, poison resistance, and layered defenses to ensure your survival in the harsh world of Valheim.