How can you build a base in the Mountains biome that’s safe from drakes?

Building a safe base in the Mountains biome in Valheim requires careful planning and strategic use of building materials to protect against drakes, one of the most dangerous aerial threats in the game. Drakes are ice-breathing creatures that can destroy structures and harm players, so creating a secure base is essential for survival. Here’s a detailed guide to help you build a base that minimizes drake attacks and ensures your safety.\n\nFirst, choose a location wisely. The Mountains biome is vast, but not all areas are equally dangerous. Look for a spot near the edge of the biome, close to a Black Forest or Meadows biome, to reduce the frequency of drake spawns. Avoid building near large open areas or high peaks, as these are common drake spawning zones. Instead, opt for a sheltered area, such as a valley or a spot near a rock formation, which provides natural cover.\n\nNext, prioritize building materials. Stone is the best choice for constructing a base in the Mountains biome because it is resistant to drake attacks. Unlike wood, which can be easily destroyed by drakes’ ice breath, stone structures are durable and can withstand multiple attacks. To unlock stone building, you’ll need to craft a Stonecutter, which requires 2 Iron and 4 Wood. Place the Stonecutter near your construction site to start building stone walls, floors, and roofs.\n\nWhen designing your base, focus on creating a fully enclosed structure with a roof. Drakes can fly, so open-air bases are vulnerable to attacks. Use stone walls and a stone roof to create a secure shelter. If you prefer a mix of materials, consider using wood for interior decorations but ensure the outer shell is made of stone. Additionally, build windows or arrow slits to allow visibility and defense without compromising safety.\n\nTo further protect your base, consider building a perimeter wall. A stone wall around your base can act as a first line of defense against drakes and other Mountain biome threats like wolves and golems. Make the wall at least two layers thick for added durability. You can also add a trench or moat around the perimeter to deter ground-based enemies, though this won’t stop drakes.\n\nLighting is another important factor. Drakes are less likely to spawn near player-built structures with adequate lighting. Place torches or braziers around your base to reduce the chances of drake attacks. If you have access to Surtling Cores, consider building a hearth or bonfire for both warmth and light, as these provide a larger area of coverage.\n\nFor added security, consider building a watchtower or elevated platform. This allows you to spot drakes from a distance and prepare for their attacks. Equip yourself with a bow and arrows, such as Frost Arrows or Needle Arrows, to take down drakes before they reach your base. Drakes are weak to fire damage, so Fire Arrows can also be effective.\n\nFinally, stockpile resources and prepare for emergencies. Keep a supply of stone, wood, and other building materials on hand to repair any damage caused by drakes. Store food, potions, and weapons in a secure chest inside your base to ensure you’re always ready for a fight. If you’re playing with friends, assign roles for base defense to maximize efficiency.\n\nIn summary, building a safe base in the Mountains biome requires careful planning, durable materials, and strategic defenses. Use stone for construction, create a fully enclosed structure, and add lighting to deter drakes. With these steps, you can create a secure base that withstands the challenges of the Mountains biome and keeps you safe from drake attacks.