What is the best bow and arrow combination for fighting The Elder?

The Elder is the second boss in Valheim and is a formidable foe, especially for players who are unprepared. To defeat The Elder effectively, the best bow and arrow combination is the Finewood Bow paired with Fire Arrows. This setup maximizes damage output while keeping you at a safe distance from The Elder''s devastating melee attacks and ranged vine attacks.\n\nThe Finewood Bow is crafted using 10 Fine Wood, 10 Core Wood, and 2 Deer Hide. Fine Wood is obtained by chopping down Birch or Oak trees in the Meadows biome, while Core Wood comes from Pine trees in the Black Forest. Deer Hide is dropped by deer, which are common in the Meadows. This bow is a significant upgrade from the Crude Bow, offering better range, accuracy, and damage, making it ideal for boss fights.\n\nFire Arrows are crafted using 8 Wood, 8 Resin, and 2 Feathers. Wood is easily gathered from trees, Resin drops from Greydwarfs in the Black Forest, and Feathers are obtained by killing birds or looting bird nests in the Meadows. Fire Arrows deal extra fire damage, which is particularly effective against The Elder due to its vulnerability to fire. This combination allows you to deal consistent damage while maintaining mobility.\n\nBefore engaging The Elder, ensure you have at least 100 Fire Arrows, as the fight can be lengthy. Stock up on food like Cooked Meat, Carrot Soup, and Honey to boost your health and stamina. Stamina is crucial for dodging The Elder''s attacks and maintaining your ability to shoot arrows. Additionally, wear Troll Armor for its stealth and mobility bonuses, as it allows you to move quickly and avoid damage.\n\nDuring the fight, position yourself behind one of the four stone pillars surrounding The Elder''s altar. These pillars provide cover from its ranged vine attacks. Peek out from behind the pillar to shoot Fire Arrows, then retreat to avoid counterattacks. This hit-and-run strategy minimizes the risk of taking damage while maximizing your damage output.\n\nIf The Elder summons its roots to attack you, focus on destroying them quickly with your bow or melee weapon. These roots can overwhelm you if left unchecked. Keep an eye on your stamina and health, and retreat to a safe distance if necessary to recover. Using the terrain to your advantage is key to surviving this fight.\n\nFor new players, it''s important to practice your aim and timing before the fight. Spend time hunting deer or Greydwarfs to get comfortable with the Finewood Bow''s mechanics. Experienced players can experiment with positioning and timing to optimize their damage output. Remember, patience and preparation are your greatest allies in this battle.\n\nIn summary, the Finewood Bow and Fire Arrows are the best combination for fighting The Elder due to their high damage output and range. Prepare thoroughly by gathering resources, crafting ample arrows, and stocking up on food. Use the environment to your advantage, and focus on maintaining your stamina and health throughout the fight. With the right strategy, you can defeat The Elder and claim its trophy.