How do you unlock the iron pickaxe and where can you find iron?

Unlocking the iron pickaxe in Valheim is a crucial step for progressing through the game, as it allows you to mine higher-tier resources like silver and obsidian. To craft the iron pickaxe, you must first unlock the recipe by obtaining iron, which is found in the Swamp biome. The process involves several steps, including exploring dungeons, smelting ore, and upgrading your crafting station.\n\nTo begin, you need to locate the Swamp biome, which is typically found near the Black Forest or Meadows. The Swamp is a dangerous area filled with hostile creatures like Draugr, Leeches, and Blobs, so ensure you are well-prepared with upgraded bronze or troll armor, a shield, and healing items like cooked meat or mead. Once in the Swamp, look for Sunken Crypts, which are dungeon-like structures with green torches outside. These crypts contain Muddy Scrap Piles, which can be mined with an antler pickaxe or better to yield scrap iron.\n\nAfter collecting scrap iron, return to your base and smelt it in a Smelter. You will need a Charcoal Kiln to produce coal, which is required for smelting. Once you have iron bars, you can craft the iron pickaxe at a Forge. The recipe requires 20 iron bars and 3 core wood, which is obtained from pine trees in the Black Forest. Ensure your Forge is upgraded to at least level 2, as this is necessary to craft the iron pickaxe.\n\nOne common challenge players face is locating Sunken Crypts in the Swamp. These structures are not always easy to find, and some Swamp biomes may not contain any. To increase your chances, explore multiple Swamp areas or use a boat to travel along coastlines, as Swamps often border water. Additionally, bring a portal with you to set up near the Swamp for quick travel back to your base.\n\nAnother challenge is surviving the Swamp''s harsh environment. Poison damage from Leeches and Blobs can quickly deplete your health, so bring poison resistance mead, which is crafted at a Fermenter using honey, thistle, neck tails, and coal. This mead significantly reduces poison damage and is essential for prolonged exploration. Additionally, always carry a rested buff to boost stamina regeneration, as the Swamp''s constant rain reduces stamina recovery.\n\nOnce you have the iron pickaxe, you can mine silver in the Mountains biome and obsidian in the Mountain caves. These resources are vital for crafting advanced weapons, armor, and tools. The iron pickaxe also allows you to mine stone and ore faster, making resource gathering more efficient.\n\nIn summary, unlocking the iron pickaxe requires venturing into the Swamp biome, locating Sunken Crypts, and mining scrap iron. Smelt the iron into bars and craft the pickaxe at a Forge. Prepare thoroughly for the Swamp''s dangers by bringing poison resistance mead, upgraded gear, and a portal for convenience. With the iron pickaxe, you can access higher-tier resources and continue your journey as a Viking in Valheim.\n\nPractical tips: Always mark Sunken Crypts on your map for future reference, and consider building a small outpost near the Swamp for storing resources. If you struggle to find iron, explore multiple Swamp biomes or use the Wishbone item, obtained by defeating Bonemass, to locate buried iron deposits in the Swamp.