How do I use portals to avoid wasting time on long journeys?

Portals in Valheim are essential for fast travel, allowing you to avoid long and dangerous journeys across the map. To use portals effectively, you must first unlock the crafting recipe by obtaining Fine Wood and Surtling Cores. Fine Wood is gathered by chopping down Birch or Oak trees in the Meadows or Black Forest biomes, while Surtling Cores are found in Burial Chambers or by defeating Surtlings in the Ashlands biome. Once you have these materials, you can craft a portal at a Workbench.\n\nTo set up a portal, place two portals in different locations and assign them the same tag. The tag is a customizable name you input when interacting with the portal. For example, if you name one portal ''Base'' and another ''Mining,'' you can travel instantly between these two points. This system allows you to create a network of portals for efficient travel across the map. Always ensure you have enough materials to build multiple portals, as each requires 20 Fine Wood, 2 Surtling Cores, and 10 Greydwarf Eyes.\n\nOne common challenge is transporting metal ores, such as Copper, Tin, Iron, or Silver, as these cannot be carried through portals. To overcome this, you must transport ores manually by ship or cart. However, you can smelt the ores into bars at the source location and then transport the bars through the portal. For example, if you mine Copper in the Black Forest, smelt it into Copper Bars at a nearby Forge, and then carry the bars through a portal back to your base. This strategy saves time and reduces the risk of losing resources during long journeys.\n\nAnother practical tip is to establish portal hubs in key biomes. For instance, place a portal near the Swamp biome for easy access to Iron, or in the Mountains for Silver mining. Always carry portal materials (Fine Wood, Surtling Cores, and Greydwarf Eyes) when exploring new areas, so you can quickly set up a return portal. This ensures you can escape dangerous situations or return to your base without retracing your steps.\n\nFor new players, it''s important to prioritize portal construction early in the game. Focus on gathering Fine Wood and Surtling Cores as soon as possible, as portals significantly reduce travel time and increase survival chances. Experienced Vikings can optimize their portal network by creating dedicated portals for specific tasks, such as farming, mining, or boss fights. Always label your portals clearly to avoid confusion and ensure smooth navigation.\n\nIn summary, portals are a game-changing mechanic in Valheim that save time and resources. By crafting and tagging portals strategically, you can create an efficient travel network across the map. Remember to smelt ores into bars before transporting them through portals, and always carry portal materials when exploring. With these tips, you can minimize wasted time and focus on conquering the challenges of Valheim.