How do I use portals to avoid long treks across the map?

Portals in Valheim are essential for fast travel, allowing you to avoid long and dangerous treks across the map. To use portals effectively, you must first unlock the crafting recipe by defeating Eikthyr, the first boss. Once defeated, you gain access to Hard Antlers, which are used to craft the Antler Pickaxe. This tool allows you to mine Tin and Copper in the Black Forest biome, which are required to craft Bronze at a Forge. Bronze is used to create the Artisan Table, which unlocks the ability to craft portals.\n\nTo craft a portal, you need 20 Fine Wood, 2 Surtling Cores, and 10 Greydwarf Eyes. Fine Wood is obtained by chopping down Birch or Oak trees in the Meadows or Black Forest biomes. Surtling Cores are found in Burial Chambers in the Black Forest or dropped by Surtlings in the Ashlands biome. Greydwarf Eyes are dropped by Greydwarfs, common enemies in the Black Forest. Once you have the materials, craft the portal at a Workbench.\n\nPortals require a pair to function. Each portal must be named with the same tag to connect them. For example, if you name one portal ''Home,'' you must name the other portal ''Home'' as well. This allows you to step into one portal and instantly travel to the other. It’s important to note that certain items, such as metals (e.g., Copper, Iron, Silver), cannot be transported through portals. This limitation requires strategic planning when transporting heavy resources.\n\nTo set up a portal network, start by placing a portal at your main base. Then, carry portal materials with you during exploration. When you find a new area of interest, such as a Swamp biome for Iron or a Mountain biome for Silver, place a second portal and name it to match your base portal. This allows you to quickly return home to repair, rest, or drop off resources. Always carry extra portal materials in case you need to establish a new connection.\n\nOne common challenge is running out of portal materials while exploring. To avoid this, always carry at least 20 Fine Wood, 2 Surtling Cores, and 10 Greydwarf Eyes in your inventory. Additionally, consider setting up a ''hub'' portal at your base that connects to multiple locations. For example, name your base portal ''Hub'' and create temporary portals in the field named ''Hub'' as well. This allows you to reuse the same portal at your base for multiple destinations.\n\nAnother tip is to use portals for emergency escapes. If you’re exploring a dangerous biome like the Plains or Mountains, place a portal near your landing point. If you’re overwhelmed by enemies or low on health, you can quickly retreat through the portal to safety. This strategy is especially useful when dealing with Fulings in the Plains or Wolves in the Mountains.\n\nIn summary, portals are a game-changing tool for efficient travel in Valheim. By crafting and naming portals correctly, you can create a network that saves time and reduces risk. Always carry portal materials, plan your routes, and use portals strategically to overcome the game’s challenges. With these tips, you’ll spend less time trekking and more time conquering the world of Valheim.