What is the best way to gather core wood, and where is it found?

Core wood is one of the most important resources in Valheim, used for crafting sturdy structures, advanced tools, and powerful weapons like the Stagbreaker. It is obtained by chopping down pine trees, which are found primarily in the Black Forest biome. Unlike regular wood, core wood requires a Bronze Axe or better to harvest, as flint or stone axes are not strong enough to fell these trees.\n\nTo gather core wood efficiently, you must first prepare by crafting a Bronze Axe. This requires bronze, which is made by combining copper and tin at a Forge. Copper is mined from large copper deposits in the Black Forest, while tin is found along the shores of the same biome. Once you have a Bronze Axe, head to the Black Forest and look for tall, thin pine trees with dark bark. These are the trees that yield core wood.\n\nWhen chopping down pine trees, be cautious of your surroundings. The Black Forest is home to hostile creatures like Greylings, Greydwarfs, and Trolls. It’s a good idea to bring a shield, a weapon, and some food to boost your health and stamina. Additionally, consider building a small outpost near the forest to store your core wood and other resources, as carrying too much weight can slow you down.\n\nOne common challenge is managing inventory space while gathering core wood. Core wood stacks up to 50 per slot, but it can quickly fill your inventory if you’re not careful. To solve this, bring a cart or portal materials with you. A cart allows you to transport large amounts of wood back to your base, while a portal lets you quickly return home to unload your inventory. If you’re playing solo, a cart is especially useful for long harvesting sessions.\n\nAnother tip is to clear a path before chopping trees. Pine trees are tall and can fall unpredictably, potentially damaging nearby structures or even injuring you. Clear smaller trees and debris to create a safe area for harvesting. Additionally, if you’re farming core wood in a group, assign roles to maximize efficiency. One player can chop trees while another gathers the wood and a third keeps watch for enemies.\n\nFor experienced players, consider setting up a tree farm in the Black Forest. Plant pine tree seeds in a cleared area to create a renewable source of core wood. This method requires patience, as trees take time to grow, but it ensures a steady supply of resources without venturing too far from your base. You can also use the Elder power, obtained by defeating the Elder boss, to increase your woodcutting speed.\n\nIn summary, the best way to gather core wood is to equip a Bronze Axe, head to the Black Forest, and chop down pine trees. Prepare for combat, manage your inventory, and consider using carts or portals for efficient transportation. With these strategies, you’ll have plenty of core wood for crafting and building in no time.