How do you unlock the Spinning Wheel, and what does it craft?

The Spinning Wheel is a crucial crafting station in Valheim, used to process raw materials into more advanced resources. To unlock the Spinning Wheel, you must first defeat Moder, the fourth boss located in the Mountain biome. Moder drops the Dragon Tear, which is required to craft the Artisan Table. The Artisan Table is the key to unlocking advanced crafting stations, including the Spinning Wheel.\n\nOnce you have the Artisan Table, you can build the Spinning Wheel. The crafting recipe for the Spinning Wheel requires 20 Fine Wood, 10 Iron Nails, and 5 Leather Scraps. Fine Wood is obtained by chopping down Birch or Oak trees in the Meadows or Black Forest biomes. Iron Nails are crafted at a Forge using Iron, which is mined from Muddy Scrap Piles in the Swamp biome. Leather Scraps are a common drop from Boars in the Meadows biome.\n\nThe Spinning Wheel is primarily used to craft Linen Thread, a high-tier resource essential for advanced gear and building materials. To craft Linen Thread, you need Flax, which is grown from Flax seeds. Flax seeds are found in the Plains biome, typically dropped by Fulings or found in Fuling villages. Once you have Flax, plant it in cultivated soil using a Cultivator. After harvesting Flax, process it at the Spinning Wheel to create Linen Thread.\n\nOne common challenge players face is surviving in the Plains biome to gather Flax. The Plains biome is home to dangerous enemies like Fulings and Deathsquitos. To safely gather Flax, equip yourself with strong armor, such as Wolf Armor from the Mountain biome, and bring a powerful weapon like a Draugr Fang bow. Use stealth and ranged attacks to avoid direct confrontations with Fulings. Additionally, consider building a small outpost near the Plains biome to store resources and respawn if needed.\n\nAnother challenge is transporting Flax and Linen Thread back to your base. Since Flax cannot be teleported through portals, you must either carry it manually or use a Longship for transportation. To minimize risk, clear a safe path through the Plains biome and avoid traveling at night when enemies are more aggressive. Alternatively, you can set up a temporary base near the Plains biome to process Flax into Linen Thread on-site.\n\nThe Spinning Wheel is also used to craft other advanced items, such as the Lox Cape and Padded Armor. These items require Linen Thread and other high-tier materials, making the Spinning Wheel an essential part of late-game progression. To maximize efficiency, place your Spinning Wheel near other crafting stations, such as the Forge and Workbench, to streamline your crafting process.\n\nIn summary, unlocking the Spinning Wheel requires defeating Moder, crafting the Artisan Table, and gathering the necessary materials. The Spinning Wheel is used to process Flax into Linen Thread, which is essential for advanced crafting. To overcome challenges, prepare thoroughly before venturing into the Plains biome and consider setting up a temporary base for resource processing. With the Spinning Wheel, you can craft powerful gear and progress further in Valheim''s challenging world.