What’s the best armor set for surviving extreme weather conditions?

Surviving extreme weather conditions in Valheim requires careful preparation, especially when venturing into biomes like the Mountains or Plains, where freezing temperatures or scorching heat can quickly drain your health. The best armor set for these conditions is the Wolf Armor, which provides both frost resistance and high defense stats. This armor is essential for exploring the Mountains biome, where freezing weather is a constant threat. To craft Wolf Armor, you’ll need to hunt Wolves and gather Silver, which can only be mined with an Iron Pickaxe after locating Silver veins using the Wishbone.\n\nTo craft the full Wolf Armor set, you’ll need the following materials: 20 Wolf Pelts, 5 Wolf Trophies, 4 Silver, and 2 Chains. Wolf Pelts are obtained by hunting Wolves in the Mountains biome, while Silver is mined from Silver veins. Chains can be found in Sunken Crypts in the Swamp biome or dropped by Wraiths. Once you’ve gathered the materials, craft the armor at a Forge. The Wolf Armor set includes the Wolf Fur Cape, which provides frost resistance even without the full set, making it a versatile piece for early Mountain exploration.\n\nIn addition to armor, you’ll need to manage your food and mead buffs to survive extreme weather. Frost resistance can also be achieved by consuming Frost Resistance Mead, which is brewed using Honey, Thistle, Bloodbag, and Greydwarf Eye in a Fermenter. This mead is particularly useful if you haven’t yet crafted Wolf Armor or if you’re exploring the Mountains early in the game. Always carry a stack of Frost Resistance Mead as a backup, as it lasts for 10 minutes and can save you from freezing to death.\n\nFor the Plains biome, where heat is a concern, the Padded Armor set is the best choice. This armor provides high defense and is crafted using Linen Thread and Iron. Linen Thread is made from Flax, which grows in the Plains biome and can be processed at a Spinning Wheel. While Padded Armor doesn’t provide heat resistance, its high defense helps mitigate damage from enemies like Fulings and Deathsquitos, which are common in the Plains. Pair this armor with healing meads and high-stamina foods like Serpent Stew or Lox Meat Pie to stay alive in this dangerous biome.\n\nPractical tips for surviving extreme weather include always carrying a portal setup to quickly return to safety if conditions become too harsh. Additionally, build a small shelter with a Campfire or Bonfire in dangerous biomes to warm up or rest. For new players, focus on crafting the Troll Armor set early, as it provides decent protection and stealth bonuses, which can help you avoid combat while gathering resources for better gear. Experienced Vikings should prioritize upgrading their Forge and crafting station to maximize armor stats and durability.\n\nIn summary, the Wolf Armor set is the best choice for surviving freezing conditions in the Mountains, while Padded Armor is ideal for the Plains biome. Always prepare with appropriate meads, food, and backup plans like portals or shelters to ensure your survival in Valheim’s harshest environments.