How do you gather flint without getting attacked by Neck creatures?

Gathering flint in Valheim is essential for crafting tools, weapons, and other early-game items. Flint is primarily found along the shores of the Meadows biome, where it appears as small, shiny, white stones scattered across the ground. However, these areas are often patrolled by Neck creatures, small lizard-like enemies that can be aggressive if you get too close. To gather flint safely, you need to understand the game mechanics and employ strategic methods to avoid or deal with these creatures.\n\nFirst, equip yourself with basic tools and weapons before heading to the shoreline. A wooden club or a crude bow with wooden arrows can help you defend yourself if necessary. Flint is a critical resource for crafting better tools like the Flint Axe and Flint Arrows, so it’s worth the effort to gather it early. However, Neck creatures are relatively weak and can be defeated easily with a few hits, so don’t let their presence deter you from collecting flint.\n\nTo minimize the risk of being attacked, approach the shoreline cautiously. Neck creatures are passive unless provoked, so avoid running directly toward them. Instead, move slowly and keep an eye on your surroundings. If you spot a Neck, maintain a safe distance while scanning the ground for flint. Flint is easy to spot due to its bright white color, and it glimmers slightly in the sunlight. Once you locate a piece, quickly pick it up and move on to the next one.\n\nIf you do encounter a Neck, you have a few options. You can either fight it or retreat to a safer area. Fighting is often the better choice, as Neck creatures drop valuable resources like Neck Tail, which can be used to cook food. Use your club or bow to take them down quickly. If you’re low on health or unprepared, retreat to higher ground or a nearby structure, as Neck creatures are slower and less likely to follow you far from the water.\n\nAnother effective strategy is to gather flint during the day. At night, the Meadows biome becomes more dangerous, with Greylings and Greydwarfs appearing more frequently. These enemies are more aggressive and can overwhelm you if you’re not careful. By sticking to daylight hours, you reduce the chances of encountering additional threats while collecting flint.\n\nFor experienced players, consider building a small outpost near a flint-rich shoreline. This allows you to store your gathered resources and rest safely if needed. A simple workbench and a campfire can provide a respawn point and a place to repair your tools. This strategy is especially useful if you plan to gather large amounts of flint for advanced crafting projects.\n\nIn summary, gathering flint without getting attacked by Neck creatures requires careful planning and awareness. Equip yourself with basic weapons, approach the shoreline cautiously, and avoid provoking Neck creatures unless necessary. Stick to daylight hours to minimize additional threats, and consider building a small outpost for convenience. With these tips, you’ll be able to gather flint efficiently and safely, ensuring you have the resources needed to thrive in Valheim.