What is the best way to mine black metal in the Plains biome?

Mining black metal in the Plains biome is a crucial step for advancing in Valheim, as black metal is used to craft some of the game''s strongest weapons and tools. However, the Plains biome is one of the most dangerous areas in the game, so preparation is key. Black metal is not mined directly from ore deposits like copper or iron. Instead, it is obtained by defeating Fulings, the goblin-like enemies that inhabit the Plains. These enemies drop black metal scraps, which can be smelted into black metal bars at a blast furnace.\n\nTo begin, you must first prepare for the dangers of the Plains biome. This biome is home to deadly enemies like Fulings, Deathsquitos, and Lox. Ensure you have high-tier armor, such as padded armor or wolf armor, and a strong weapon like a black metal sword or atgeir. Bring a shield for blocking attacks, and stock up on healing meads and stamina meads. Additionally, consider bringing a bow and arrows for dealing with Deathsquitos from a distance.\n\nOnce you''re ready, head to the Plains biome. Fulings are commonly found in villages or roaming the area. Fuling villages are identifiable by their wooden structures and totems. Approach cautiously, as Fulings often travel in groups and can overwhelm unprepared players. Use the terrain to your advantage, such as hiding behind rocks or trees to avoid ranged attacks. If you encounter a Fuling Berserker or Shaman, prioritize taking them out first, as they are more dangerous than regular Fulings.\n\nAfter defeating Fulings, they will drop black metal scraps. Collect these scraps and return to your base. To smelt black metal scraps into bars, you will need a blast furnace. The blast furnace requires 20 fine wood, 10 iron, 4 chains, and 5 surtling cores to craft. Chains can be obtained from chests in crypts or by defeating Wraiths in the Swamp biome. Surtling cores are found in burial chambers or dropped by Surtlings in the Ashlands biome.\n\nOnce you have a blast furnace, place it near your smelter and charcoal kiln for efficiency. Load the black metal scraps into the blast furnace along with coal to begin smelting. Each black metal bar requires two scraps and two coal. Once smelted, black metal bars can be used to craft powerful weapons like the black metal sword, black metal axe, and black metal shield. These items are essential for tackling the game''s toughest challenges.\n\nA common challenge when farming black metal is the difficulty of surviving in the Plains biome. To mitigate this, consider building a small outpost near the Plains biome with a portal for quick travel. This allows you to retreat and heal if necessary. Additionally, bring a cart or ship to transport large amounts of black metal scraps back to your base. If you''re playing with friends, coordinate attacks on Fuling villages to make the process faster and safer.\n\nIn summary, mining black metal in Valheim involves defeating Fulings in the Plains biome, collecting their dropped scraps, and smelting them into bars using a blast furnace. Preparation is crucial, as the Plains biome is highly dangerous. Equip yourself with strong gear, bring healing items, and use the terrain to your advantage. With patience and strategy, you can gather enough black metal to craft powerful weapons and tools, giving you an edge in your Viking adventures.