How do you unlock the cultivator for farming near mining areas?

To unlock the cultivator in Valheim, you must first progress through the game''s crafting system and gather specific resources. The cultivator is a crucial tool for farming, allowing you to plant and cultivate crops near mining areas or anywhere in your base. To craft it, you need to defeat the first boss, Eikthyr, and unlock the Forge. This process involves gathering materials like wood, stone, and bronze, which are essential for advancing your crafting capabilities.\n\nStart by defeating Eikthyr, the first boss found in the Meadows biome. Eikthyr drops Hard Antlers, which are required to craft the Antler Pickaxe. This pickaxe is necessary for mining copper and tin, the primary metals used to create bronze. Once you have the Antler Pickaxe, head to the Black Forest biome to locate copper deposits and tin ore near water sources. Mine these materials using your pickaxe and smelt them in a Smelter to create bronze bars.\n\nAfter obtaining bronze, you can craft a Forge, which unlocks advanced tools and equipment. The Forge requires 4 stone, 4 coal, 10 wood, and 6 copper. Place the Forge in your base and interact with it to access its crafting menu. Here, you can craft the cultivator, which requires 5 core wood and 5 bronze. Core wood is obtained by chopping down pine trees in the Black Forest biome, while bronze is created by combining 2 copper and 1 tin in the Smelter.\n\nOnce you have the cultivator, you can start farming near mining areas or your base. To plant crops, equip the cultivator and use it to cultivate the ground, turning it into fertile soil. Then, select seeds like carrots, turnips, or barley from your inventory and plant them in the cultivated soil. Farming near mining areas is particularly useful because it allows you to grow food while gathering resources, ensuring you have a steady supply of stamina-boosting meals.\n\nA common challenge is managing inventory space while mining and farming. To solve this, build a cart to transport heavy materials like copper and tin back to your base. Additionally, create a small outpost near mining areas with a portal, chests, and a workbench to store resources and repair tools. This setup saves time and reduces the need for frequent trips back to your main base.\n\nIn summary, unlocking the cultivator involves defeating Eikthyr, mining copper and tin, crafting bronze, and building a Forge. Once you have the cultivator, you can efficiently farm near mining areas to support your resource-gathering efforts. This strategy ensures you have a steady supply of food and materials, making your Viking survival journey smoother and more enjoyable.