How do I find and mine black metal after mining iron?

Finding and mining black metal in Valheim is a significant step after acquiring iron, as it unlocks advanced crafting options and stronger gear. Black metal is a late-game resource, and obtaining it requires defeating Fuling enemies in the Plains biome. Unlike other metals, black metal cannot be mined directly from ore deposits. Instead, it is dropped by Fulings, which are aggressive goblin-like creatures found in the Plains.\n\nTo begin your journey to acquire black metal, you must first prepare for the dangers of the Plains biome. This biome is home to powerful enemies like Fulings, Deathsquitos, and Lox, so ensure you have strong armor (preferably iron or better), a reliable weapon, and plenty of healing items like cooked meat or mead. Additionally, bring a portal setup to establish a safe base near the Plains for quick travel and resource management.\n\nOnce you are ready, head to the Plains biome. Fulings are commonly found in villages or roaming the area. These villages are identifiable by their wooden structures, campfires, and totems. Approach cautiously, as Fulings often travel in groups and can overwhelm unprepared players. Use ranged weapons like bows to thin their numbers before engaging in melee combat. Fulings drop black metal scraps when defeated, which can be smelted into black metal bars at a blast furnace.\n\nTo smelt black metal, you will need a blast furnace, which requires 20 fine wood, 10 iron, and 5 surtling cores to craft. Fine wood can be obtained from birch or oak trees in the Meadows or Plains, while surtling cores are found in burial chambers or dropped by surtlings in the Ashlands biome. Once you have the blast furnace, place it near your smelting setup and fuel it with coal. Each black metal scrap smelts into one black metal bar, which is used for crafting high-tier weapons, shields, and armor.\n\nA common challenge players face is surviving the Plains biome due to its high difficulty. To mitigate this, consider building a small outpost near the Plains with walls and a portal for quick escapes. Use the terrain to your advantage, such as hiding behind rocks or trees to avoid Deathsquito attacks. Additionally, tame Lox for protection or use them as mounts to traverse the biome more safely.\n\nIn summary, black metal is obtained by defeating Fulings in the Plains biome and smelting their dropped scraps into bars. Prepare thoroughly with strong gear and healing items, establish a safe base near the Plains, and use ranged weapons to handle Fulings effectively. With patience and strategy, you can gather enough black metal to craft powerful late-game equipment and dominate Valheim''s challenges.\n\nPractical tips: Always carry a portal for quick escapes, use the terrain to avoid Deathsquitos, and consider taming Lox for added protection. Focus on upgrading your gear with black metal to tackle the game''s toughest enemies and biomes.