What crops can be grown in the Plains biome, and how do you start?

In Valheim, the Plains biome is one of the most dangerous but rewarding areas for farming. It is the only biome where you can grow two unique crops: Barley and Flax. These crops are essential for late-game crafting, as Barley is used to make Barley Flour for bread and other recipes, while Flax is used to craft Linen Thread, a key material for high-tier armor and tools. To start farming in the Plains, you must first prepare by gathering the necessary tools and resources.\n\nBefore venturing into the Plains, ensure you have a Cultivator, which is crafted at a Forge using 5 Core Wood and 5 Bronze. The Cultivator is essential for tilling the soil and planting seeds. You will also need to acquire Barley and Flax seeds, which cannot be found in other biomes. These seeds are typically dropped by Fuling enemies or found in Fuling villages scattered across the Plains. Be cautious, as Fulings are aggressive and can overwhelm unprepared players.\n\nOnce you have the seeds and Cultivator, find a safe area in the Plains to set up your farm. Look for flat terrain, as crops cannot grow on steep slopes. Use the Cultivator to till the soil, creating plantable patches. Then, plant the Barley and Flax seeds in the tilled soil. Ensure your farm is enclosed with walls or fences to protect it from hostile creatures like Fulings, Deathsquitos, and Lox. These enemies can destroy your crops if left unchecked.\n\nCrop growth in Valheim follows a day-night cycle, and Barley and Flax take approximately 2-3 in-game days to fully mature. Unlike other crops, these plants do not require replanting after harvesting. Instead, they drop both the crop and seeds, allowing you to expand your farm over time. To maximize efficiency, plant crops in rows with enough space between them to avoid overcrowding, which can hinder growth.\n\nOne common challenge in Plains farming is dealing with the biome''s hostile environment. To mitigate this, consider building a small outpost near your farm with a portal for quick access. This allows you to retreat to safety if overwhelmed. Additionally, bring a Hoe to level the ground and create a moat or raised earth wall around your farm for added protection. These defensive measures can prevent enemies from reaching your crops.\n\nFor new players, it is crucial to gear up before attempting Plains farming. Equip yourself with at least Iron-tier armor and weapons, as Fulings are formidable opponents. Bring healing mead and stamina-boosting food to sustain yourself during combat. Experienced Vikings can optimize their farms by using Windmills, which are crafted using Stone, Wood, and Iron, to process Barley into Barley Flour. Windmills require a flat area and wind to operate, so place them strategically near your farm.\n\nIn summary, farming in the Plains biome is a high-risk, high-reward activity that requires preparation and strategy. Start by crafting a Cultivator and gathering Barley and Flax seeds from Fulings or their villages. Secure your farm with walls or natural barriers, and use defensive structures to protect your crops. With proper planning, you can establish a thriving Plains farm to support your late-game progression in Valheim.\n\nPractical tips: Always scout the area before setting up your farm to avoid spawning points of hostile creatures. Use portals to connect your farm to your main base for easy access. Consider building a small shelter with a bed and workbench nearby to respawn and repair tools if needed. Finally, prioritize upgrading your gear to handle the Plains'' dangers effectively.