How do you unlock the cultivator for farming near your shelter?

Unlocking the cultivator in Valheim is essential for farming near your shelter, as it allows you to plant and grow crops like carrots, turnips, and barley. To craft the cultivator, you must first progress through the game''s early stages and unlock the necessary materials and crafting station. The cultivator requires bronze, which is a mid-tier resource, so you''ll need to prepare for a bit of exploration and resource gathering.\n\nTo begin, you must first defeat the first boss, Eikthyr, in the Meadows biome. Eikthyr drops Hard Antlers, which are used to craft the Antler Pickaxe. This pickaxe is crucial for mining Tin and Copper, the two metals required to create Bronze. Tin is found along the shores of the Black Forest biome, while Copper deposits are scattered throughout the same biome. Once you have both metals, you can smelt them into Bronze Bars using a Smelter.\n\nAfter obtaining Bronze Bars, you need to craft a Forge. The Forge is a crafting station that allows you to create advanced tools and equipment, including the cultivator. To build a Forge, you will need 4 Stone, 4 Coal, 10 Wood, and 6 Copper. Place the Forge near your shelter for easy access. Once the Forge is built, you can craft the cultivator using 5 Bronze and 5 Core Wood. Core Wood is obtained by chopping down Pine Trees in the Black Forest biome.\n\nWith the cultivator in hand, you can now prepare the soil for farming. Equip the cultivator and use it to cultivate the ground near your shelter. This turns the soil into arable land, allowing you to plant seeds. Seeds can be found by foraging in the Meadows and Black Forest biomes. For example, Carrot Seeds are obtained by picking wild carrots, while Turnip Seeds are found in the Swamp biome. Once planted, crops take a few in-game days to grow, so be patient and ensure they are protected from wildlife.\n\nA common challenge for new players is protecting their crops from creatures like Greylings and Boars. To solve this, build a fence or wall around your farm using Wood or Stone. This prevents enemies from trampling or eating your crops. Additionally, ensure your farm is close to a water source, as crops grow faster when watered. While Valheim doesn''t have a watering mechanic, placing your farm near water ensures a steady supply for your character, allowing you to tend to your crops without interruptions.\n\nIn summary, unlocking the cultivator involves defeating Eikthyr, gathering Tin and Copper, smelting Bronze, building a Forge, and crafting the tool. Once you have the cultivator, focus on creating a secure farming area near your shelter. By following these steps, you''ll have a steady supply of food and resources to support your Viking adventures. Remember to explore biomes like the Black Forest and Swamp for seeds and materials, and always protect your farm from threats.