How do you build a functional moat around your shelter?

Building a functional moat around your shelter in Valheim is an excellent way to protect your base from hostile creatures, especially during raids. A moat acts as a physical barrier, preventing enemies from reaching your structures. To create a moat, you will need a pickaxe, which can be crafted using 10 wood and 1 hard antler (obtained from defeating the first boss, Eikthyr). The pickaxe is essential for digging into the terrain.\n\nStart by selecting the area around your shelter where you want to dig the moat. Ideally, the moat should be at least 4-5 meters wide and deep enough so that enemies cannot jump across or climb out. Use the pickaxe to dig into the ground, removing dirt and stone. The terrain in Valheim is deformable, meaning you can shape it to your needs. Be sure to dig in a continuous loop around your base, leaving no gaps for enemies to exploit.\n\nOne common challenge is managing the terrain height. If the ground is uneven, you may need to level it before digging. Use the hoe tool to flatten the area, ensuring the moat has a consistent depth. Additionally, consider the biome you are in. For example, in the Meadows biome, digging is straightforward, but in the Black Forest or Swamp, you may encounter rocks or waterlogged areas that require extra effort to clear.\n\nOnce the moat is dug, you can enhance its functionality by adding spikes or walls along the inner edge. Craft wooden spikes using 4 wood each and place them along the moat''s perimeter to deter enemies that manage to fall in. Alternatively, you can build a raised earth wall using the hoe''s raise ground function, creating an additional barrier.\n\nA practical tip is to leave a narrow bridge or pathway for yourself to cross the moat. Use the build menu to place wooden planks or stone slabs as a temporary bridge, which you can remove during raids to prevent enemies from using it. This ensures you can still access your base while keeping it secure.\n\nFinally, consider the aesthetics of your moat. While functionality is key, you can also make it visually appealing by lining the edges with torches or decorative items. This not only improves the look of your base but also provides light during nighttime, making it easier to spot approaching threats.\n\nIn summary, building a functional moat requires a pickaxe, careful planning, and attention to detail. By following these steps, you can create a strong defensive barrier that keeps your shelter safe from harm.