How do you build a base in the Plains biome without getting attacked?

Building a base in the Plains biome in Valheim is one of the most challenging tasks due to the aggressive enemies like Fulings, Deathsquitos, and Lox. However, with careful planning and strategic construction, you can create a safe and functional base. The key is to prioritize defense, location, and resource management.\n\nFirst, choose a safe location. The Plains biome is dangerous, but not all areas are equally hostile. Look for a spot near the border of another biome, such as the Meadows or Black Forest, to reduce the frequency of Plains-specific enemies. Avoid building too close to Fuling villages or Lox herds, as these are hotspots for attacks. A good strategy is to scout the area during the day and mark potential locations on your map.\n\nOnce you''ve chosen a location, focus on building strong defenses. Start by creating a perimeter wall using stone or reinforced wood. Stone is more durable and resistant to enemy attacks, but it requires a Stonecutter and a steady supply of stone. Reinforced wood is a good alternative if you don''t have access to stone yet. Make sure your walls are at least two layers thick to withstand Fuling attacks. Add a moat or trench around your base for extra protection. Enemies cannot cross deep trenches, making this an effective barrier.\n\nNext, build a raised platform or elevated structure for your base. This prevents ground-based enemies like Fulings and Lox from reaching you. Use wooden beams or stone pillars to create a sturdy foundation. Ensure your base has multiple levels, with the lower level reserved for storage and crafting, and the upper level for living quarters. This design minimizes the risk of enemies breaching your main living area.\n\nLighting is another critical factor. Enemies are less likely to spawn near well-lit areas. Place torches, standing braziers, or other light sources around your base to deter spawns. Additionally, consider building workbenches or campfires in strategic locations, as these also prevent enemy spawns within their radius.\n\nResource management is essential for maintaining your base. The Plains biome is rich in resources like barley and flax, but farming requires careful planning. Build a secure farming area within your walls or on a raised platform to protect your crops from Fulings and Deathsquitos. Use fences or walls to enclose your farm, and place workbenches nearby to prevent enemy spawns.\n\nFinally, always be prepared for attacks. Keep a stockpile of weapons, armor, and healing items in your base. Fulings are particularly dangerous, so equip yourself with high-tier gear like black metal weapons and padded armor. Train your combat skills by practicing against weaker enemies in other biomes before taking on the Plains.\n\nIn summary, building a base in the Plains biome requires careful planning, strong defenses, and resource management. Choose a safe location, build sturdy walls and elevated structures, and use lighting to deter enemy spawns. With these strategies, you can create a secure and functional base in one of Valheim''s most dangerous biomes.