What’s the best way to build a defensible base in the Mountains biome?

Building a defensible base in the Mountains biome in Valheim requires careful planning and resource management. The Mountains biome is one of the most dangerous areas in the game, with threats like Drakes, Wolves, and Stone Golems. To survive, you need a sturdy base that can withstand attacks while providing safety and functionality. Start by gathering essential materials like Stone, Iron, and Wood, as these will form the backbone of your defenses.\n\nFirst, choose a strategic location for your base. Look for a flat area near a Mountain peak or a cliffside, as these provide natural barriers against enemies. Avoid building too close to Draugr Villages or Frost Caves, as these areas are hotspots for hostile creatures. Once you''ve selected a spot, clear the area of rocks and trees to create space for your base. Use the Hoe to level the ground, ensuring a stable foundation for your structures.\n\nNext, focus on building a strong perimeter wall. Stone walls are ideal for the Mountains biome because they have high durability and can withstand attacks from Wolves and Drakes. Use the Stonecutter to craft Stone Walls and reinforce them with Iron Gates for entry points. Make sure your walls are at least two layers thick to provide extra protection. For added security, dig a trench around your base using the Pickaxe. This will prevent enemies from reaching your walls and give you time to prepare for attacks.\n\nInside your base, prioritize essential structures like a Workbench, Forge, and Bed. These will allow you to craft and repair items, as well as set a spawn point in case of death. Use Core Wood or Iron Beams to reinforce your roof, as heavy snowfall in the Mountains biome can cause structural damage. Additionally, build a Fireplace or Hearth to keep warm, as the cold environment can quickly drain your health if you''re not prepared.\n\nTo defend against aerial threats like Drakes, consider building a roofed area or watchtower. Use Wooden Beams and thatched roofing to create a covered space where you can safely shoot arrows at incoming enemies. Stockpile arrows and a powerful bow, such as the Huntsman Bow or Draugr Fang, to deal with Drakes effectively. For ground-based threats like Wolves, place Spike Traps or Bonfires around your perimeter to deter or damage them.\n\nOne common challenge in the Mountains biome is resource scarcity. To overcome this, establish a small outpost in the Black Forest or Meadows biome to gather Wood and Stone. Use Portals to transport materials quickly and safely. Additionally, mine Silver and Obsidian in the Mountains to craft advanced gear like Frostner or Wolf Armor, which will improve your survivability.\n\nFinally, always be prepared for unexpected attacks. Keep a stockpile of healing items like Cooked Meat and Mead, and equip yourself with the best available armor and weapons. Regularly repair your walls and structures to maintain their durability. By following these steps, you can build a defensible base in the Mountains biome that provides safety, functionality, and a stronghold against the harsh environment and its inhabitants.\n\nPractical tips: Use the Wishbone to locate Silver deposits for crafting powerful gear. Always carry Frost Resistance Mead to combat the cold. Build a Portal near your base for quick escapes or resource runs. Consider taming Wolves for additional defense, as they can help fend off enemies.