How do you craft a bronze atgeir for crowd control?

Crafting a bronze atgeir in Valheim is an excellent way to handle crowd control, especially in the early to mid-game stages. The bronze atgeir is a two-handed polearm weapon that excels at dealing with multiple enemies at once, thanks to its wide sweeping attacks and knockback effect. To craft this weapon, you’ll need to progress through the game’s early stages, gather specific resources, and unlock the necessary crafting station.\n\nFirst, you’ll need to gather the required materials: 10 bronze, 4 fine wood, and 2 leather scraps. Bronze is crafted by combining copper and tin at a forge. Copper is found in the Black Forest biome, typically in large deposits that require a pickaxe to mine. Tin, on the other hand, is found near water sources in the Black Forest, often appearing as small, shiny rocks. Once you’ve collected both metals, smelt them in a smelter to create bronze bars.\n\nFine wood is obtained by chopping down birch or oak trees, which are found in the Meadows biome. These trees require a bronze axe or better to harvest. Leather scraps are dropped by boars, which are common in the Meadows. You can hunt boars or tame them in a pen for a steady supply of leather scraps.\n\nNext, you’ll need to build a forge if you haven’t already. The forge is essential for crafting bronze weapons and tools. To build a forge, you’ll need 4 stone, 4 coal, 10 wood, and 6 copper. Place the forge near your workbench to ensure you have access to all crafting options. Once the forge is built, interact with it to open the crafting menu and select the bronze atgeir.\n\nUsing the bronze atgeir effectively requires understanding its mechanics. The primary attack is a wide horizontal sweep that hits multiple enemies in front of you, making it ideal for crowd control. The secondary attack is a powerful thrust that deals high damage to a single target but consumes more stamina. The knockback effect of the atgeir’s attacks can help you create distance between yourself and enemies, giving you time to recover stamina or reposition.\n\nOne common challenge when using the bronze atgeir is managing stamina. The weapon consumes a significant amount of stamina per attack, so it’s important to monitor your stamina bar during combat. To mitigate this, consider eating stamina-boosting foods like honey, carrots, or cooked meat before engaging in battle. Additionally, practice timing your attacks to avoid overextending and leaving yourself vulnerable.\n\nAnother tip is to use the bronze atgeir’s secondary attack strategically. While the primary attack is great for crowd control, the secondary attack can be used to finish off tougher enemies or deal with single targets. For example, if you’re facing a group of greydwarfs, use the primary attack to knock them back and thin their numbers, then switch to the secondary attack to focus on any remaining threats.\n\nIn summary, crafting a bronze atgeir involves gathering copper and tin in the Black Forest, smelting them into bronze, and collecting fine wood and leather scraps. Build a forge to craft the weapon, and use its sweeping attacks and knockback effect to manage crowds effectively. Manage your stamina carefully and use the secondary attack for high-damage situations. With these tips, you’ll be well-equipped to handle the challenges of the Meadows and Black Forest biomes.