How do you craft Draugr Fang for Plains exploration?

The Draugr Fang is one of the most powerful bows in Valheim, making it an essential tool for exploring the dangerous Plains biome. To craft this bow, you will need to progress through the game and gather specific materials from various biomes. The Draugr Fang requires 10 Ancient Bark, 20 Silver, 10 Guck, and 2 Deer Hide. Each of these materials has its own challenges and requirements to obtain, so preparation is key.\n\nAncient Bark is gathered from Ancient Trees in the Swamp biome. These trees are large and distinct, with glowing green roots. You will need a Bronze Axe or better to chop them down. Be cautious when venturing into the Swamp, as it is filled with hostile creatures like Draugr and Leeches. Bring poison resistance mead and a strong weapon to defend yourself while collecting Ancient Bark.\n\nSilver is a rare metal found in the Mountain biome. To locate Silver, you will need the Wishbone, which is dropped by Bonemass, the third boss. Equip the Wishbone and explore the Mountains until you detect Silver veins underground. Use an Iron Pickaxe to mine the Silver. The Mountains are extremely cold, so wear a Wolf Fur Cape or Frost Resistance Mead to avoid freezing. Additionally, be prepared to fight Wolves and Draugr that inhabit the area.\n\nGuck is a green, glowing material found in the Swamp biome. It is harvested from Guck Sacks, which are attached to large trees. You can either shoot the sacks with arrows or build a platform to reach them. Guck is often located in dangerous areas, so bring a bow and arrows to clear out enemies before collecting it. Poison resistance is also recommended, as the Swamp is filled with Blobs that can poison you.\n\nDeer Hide is the easiest material to obtain. It is dropped by Deer in the Meadows biome. Simply hunt Deer using a bow or melee weapon to collect the hides. If you are struggling to find Deer, explore the edges of the Meadows or use stealth to get closer to them. Deer are skittish, so patience is key when hunting.\n\nOnce you have gathered all the materials, head to a level 3 Workbench to craft the Draugr Fang. This bow deals both physical and poison damage, making it highly effective against Plains enemies like Fulings and Deathsquitos. Its high damage output and poison effect allow you to take down enemies quickly, even from a distance.\n\nWhen exploring the Plains, always keep your distance from Fulings and Lox. Use the Draugr Fang to pick off enemies before they can reach you. Deathsquitos are fast and deadly, so aim carefully to take them out in one shot. The Draugr Fang''s poison damage also helps weaken tougher enemies over time, giving you an advantage in prolonged fights.\n\nFor new players, focus on upgrading your gear and gathering resources before attempting to craft the Draugr Fang. The Swamp and Mountain biomes are dangerous, so bring the best armor and weapons you have. Experienced Vikings should consider farming materials in bulk to craft multiple bows or upgrade the Draugr Fang to its maximum level for even greater effectiveness.\n\nIn summary, the Draugr Fang is a powerful bow that requires materials from the Swamp, Mountains, and Meadows. Gather Ancient Bark, Silver, Guck, and Deer Hide, then craft it at a level 3 Workbench. Use this bow to dominate the Plains biome and take down enemies with ease. Always prepare for the dangers of each biome and bring the necessary resistance meads to survive.