How do I build a stonecutter and upgrade my base?

Building a stonecutter and upgrading your base in Valheim is a crucial step in progressing from wooden structures to more durable stone buildings. The stonecutter is a crafting station that allows you to create stone-based structures, such as stone walls, floors, and pillars, which are far more resistant to damage than wood. To build a stonecutter, you must first defeat the first boss, Eikthyr, in the Meadows biome. This boss drops Hard Antlers, which are required to craft the Antler Pickaxe, a tool necessary for mining stone and other resources.\n\nOnce you have the Antler Pickaxe, head to the Black Forest biome to mine Tin and Copper. These ores are essential for crafting Bronze, which is used to make the Forge. The Forge is required to craft the stonecutter. To create Bronze, smelt Tin and Copper in a Smelter, then combine them at the Forge. After setting up the Forge, you can craft the stonecutter using 10 Wood, 2 Iron, and 1 Stone. Note that Iron is found in the Swamp biome, so you may need to explore and defeat enemies like Draugr to obtain it.\n\nOnce the stonecutter is built, place it near your base to start crafting stone structures. Stone walls and floors are ideal for upgrading your base, as they provide better defense against enemy raids and environmental hazards. To gather stone, use your pickaxe to mine large boulders in the Meadows or Black Forest biomes. You can also find stone deposits in other biomes, but these two are the most beginner-friendly.\n\nA common challenge players face is running out of stone while upgrading their base. To avoid this, always carry a pickaxe and mine every boulder you encounter during your travels. Additionally, consider building a cart to transport large amounts of stone back to your base. Another tip is to prioritize upgrading the most vulnerable parts of your base, such as walls facing enemy spawn points, before focusing on aesthetic improvements.\n\nTo maximize the durability of your stone structures, reinforce them with iron or wood beams. This not only strengthens your base but also adds a visually appealing Viking aesthetic. If you''re playing with friends, assign roles to streamline the process—one player can gather resources while another focuses on building. Finally, always keep an eye on your stonecutter''s durability and repair it as needed to ensure uninterrupted crafting.\n\nIn summary, building a stonecutter and upgrading your base in Valheim requires defeating Eikthyr, mining resources in the Black Forest and Swamp biomes, and crafting the necessary tools and stations. By prioritizing resource gathering and strategic building, you can create a sturdy, Viking-worthy base that withstands the challenges of Valheim''s harsh world.