What’s the best way to share surplus black metal and linen thread for endgame crafting?

Sharing surplus black metal and linen thread in Valheim is essential for efficient endgame crafting, especially when working with a team. Black metal is a high-tier resource obtained primarily from Fuling enemies in the Plains biome, while linen thread is crafted from flax, which also grows in the Plains. Both resources are critical for crafting advanced gear like padded armor, black metal weapons, and decorative items. To share these resources effectively, you need to understand the game mechanics for storage, transportation, and distribution.\n\nFirst, ensure you have a centralized storage system in your base. Use reinforced chests or iron chests to store large quantities of black metal and linen thread. These chests have higher storage capacity and are more secure than basic wooden chests. Organize your storage area with labeled chests to make it easy for teammates to find and deposit resources. For example, dedicate one chest for black metal and another for linen thread. This organization saves time and prevents confusion during crafting sessions.\n\nTo transport surplus resources to teammates, use a cart or a longship. Carts are ideal for overland travel, especially if your base is near the Plains biome. Load the cart with black metal and linen thread, then pull it to your teammate''s location. For long-distance travel across water, a longship is the best option due to its large storage capacity. Be cautious when transporting valuable resources, as enemies or environmental hazards can destroy your cart or ship. Always travel with a weapon and healing items to defend yourself.\n\nIf your teammates are in different biomes or far from your base, consider setting up a shared portal network. Portals allow instant travel between two points, but they cannot transport metal resources like black metal. However, you can transport linen thread through portals, making it easier to share this resource. For black metal, you''ll need to transport it manually or use a combination of carts and ships. Plan your routes carefully to minimize risk and maximize efficiency.\n\nWhen distributing resources, communicate with your team to ensure everyone gets what they need. Use the in-game chat or voice communication tools to coordinate crafting projects. For example, if one player is crafting padded armor, they may need more linen thread, while another player crafting black metal weapons may require additional black metal. By discussing your needs, you can allocate resources fairly and avoid shortages.\n\nA common challenge is managing resource scarcity in multiplayer games. If black metal or linen thread is in short supply, prioritize crafting essential items first. For example, padded armor provides significant defense for exploring dangerous biomes, while black metal weapons are powerful against tough enemies like Fuling Berserkers. Once essential items are crafted, you can focus on decorative or optional items.\n\nFinally, consider farming resources together as a team. Assign roles to each player, such as one person gathering flax in the Plains while another hunts Fulings for black metal. This division of labor ensures a steady supply of resources and reduces the burden on individual players. Additionally, replant flax after harvesting to maintain a sustainable source of linen thread.\n\nIn summary, sharing surplus black metal and linen thread requires careful planning, organization, and communication. Use centralized storage, efficient transportation methods, and a shared portal network to distribute resources effectively. Prioritize essential crafting projects and farm resources as a team to ensure everyone has what they need for endgame success.