How do I prevent tamed animals from despawning in multiplayer?

Preventing tamed animals from despawning in Valheim multiplayer requires understanding the game''s mechanics and implementing specific strategies. Tamed animals, such as boars, wolves, and lox, are valuable resources for food, materials, and protection. However, in multiplayer, they can despawn if not properly managed due to server resets, player inactivity, or improper containment. To avoid this, you need to ensure your animals are securely housed and regularly interacted with.\n\nFirst, build a secure pen or enclosure for your tamed animals. Use fences, walls, or other structures to create a confined space. For example, a wooden fence or stake wall works well for boars, while stone walls are better for wolves and lox. Ensure the enclosure is fully enclosed to prevent animals from wandering out. Place a gate for easy access, but make sure it is closed when not in use. This prevents animals from escaping and potentially despawning in the wild.\n\nNext, ensure your animals are fed regularly. Tamed animals require food to stay happy and remain in the game world. For boars, this means providing mushrooms, carrots, or turnips. Wolves need raw meat, and lox require barley or cloudberries. Place food in the enclosure or nearby feeding troughs to keep them satisfied. If animals are not fed, they may become unhappy and eventually despawn. Regularly check their food supply, especially in multiplayer where other players might not be aware of the feeding schedule.\n\nAnother critical step is to assign a dedicated player or group to manage the animals. In multiplayer, it''s easy for responsibilities to be overlooked, leading to neglected animals. Designate a player to check on the animals daily, ensuring they are fed and secure. This is especially important if the server experiences frequent resets or long periods of inactivity. Consistent interaction with the animals helps keep them loaded in the game world.\n\nAdditionally, avoid building animal enclosures too close to the world spawn point or other high-traffic areas. Animals near these locations may despawn due to server resets or player activity. Instead, place your enclosures in quieter areas, such as near your base but away from portals or frequently used paths. This reduces the risk of animals being unloaded from the game world.\n\nFinally, consider using mods or server settings to enhance animal persistence. Some mods, like ''Valheim Plus,'' allow you to adjust settings to prevent animal despawning. Alternatively, server admins can configure settings to ensure animals remain in the game world even during resets. While this requires some technical knowledge, it can be a reliable solution for dedicated multiplayer servers.\n\nIn summary, preventing tamed animals from despawning in Valheim multiplayer involves building secure enclosures, feeding them regularly, assigning management responsibilities, and choosing optimal locations. By following these steps, you can ensure your animals remain a valuable part of your Viking settlement.