What’s the best way to store and manage leather and hides?

Storing and managing leather and hides in Valheim is essential for crafting armor, tools, and other important items. Leather and hides are primarily obtained from hunting deer, boars, and other creatures in the Meadows and Black Forest biomes. These resources are lightweight but can quickly clutter your inventory if not managed properly. To optimize storage, you need a combination of chests, labeling, and strategic placement in your base.\n\nFirst, prioritize crafting chests as soon as possible. Chests are made from 10 wood each and can store up to 10 stacks of items. Place multiple chests in your base, ideally near your crafting stations like the workbench and forge. This ensures easy access when crafting items that require leather or hides. For example, leather scraps are used to craft troll armor, while deer hides are essential for making the first-tier armor set. Having chests nearby saves time and keeps your inventory organized.\n\nLabeling your chests is another key step. While Valheim doesn’t have an in-game labeling system, you can use signs to mark chests. Craft signs using 1 wood and 1 coal, then write labels like ''Leather'' or ''Hides'' to differentiate storage. This is especially useful if you’re storing other materials like wood, stone, or ore in the same area. For example, a chest labeled ''Leather'' can store leather scraps, while another labeled ''Hides'' can hold deer hides and other animal skins.\n\nTo further optimize storage, consider separating leather and hides by biome or purpose. For instance, store leather scraps from boars in one chest and deer hides in another. This makes it easier to track how much of each resource you have and plan your crafting accordingly. If you’re venturing into the Black Forest, you’ll also collect troll hides, which are used for troll armor. Store these separately to avoid confusion with other hides.\n\nAnother practical tip is to use carts for bulk storage. Carts are crafted using 20 wood and 10 bronze nails and can hold up to 18 slots of items. While they’re primarily used for transporting heavy materials like ore, they can also serve as temporary storage for leather and hides. For example, if you’re returning from a hunting trip with a large haul, unload your inventory into a cart before sorting items into chests. This reduces clutter and keeps your base organized.\n\nFor experienced players, consider building a dedicated storage room or building. This can include multiple chests, carts, and even item stands for displaying rare hides like wolf or lox pelts. A storage room not only looks impressive but also makes it easier to manage resources as your collection grows. For example, you can dedicate one wall to leather and hides, another to metals, and a third to food and potions.\n\nFinally, always keep an eye on your inventory while exploring. Leather and hides are lightweight, but they can fill up slots quickly. If you’re running low on space, prioritize storing higher-value items like troll hides or wolf pelts and drop or discard less valuable ones. This ensures you’re always prepared for crafting and upgrades when you return to your base.\n\nIn summary, the best way to store and manage leather and hides in Valheim is to use chests, label them clearly, and organize by biome or purpose. Use carts for bulk storage and consider building a dedicated storage room for long-term organization. By following these steps, you’ll keep your base tidy and ensure you always have the resources you need for crafting and survival.